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Student Consumer Information
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Student Consumer Information

​A.T. Still University (ATSU) provides important information about the University to prospective and enrolled students and the public. The links below lead to information required by the Higher Education Act of 1965. For paper copies, email:

For additional ATSU institutional questions, contact:
Lori Haxton, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

For financial aid questions, contact:
Deanna Hunsaker, Assistant Vice Chancellor- Enrollment Services and Interim Director Student Financial Aid

Review the ATSU Catalog and University Student Handbook (pdf).

  • Student Complaint Resolution +

    • ATSU offers mechanisms for resolution of complaints arising out of academic, non-academic, administrative, or behavioral concerns. Each process is designed to help ensure the safety, security, and fair treatment of all students. ATSU encourages informal resolution through direct communication with the individuals involved, whenever possible. In instances where informal resolution as described below is unsatisfactory or there is a specific complaint process, concerns are elevated to formal complaints. Students should consult with Student Affairs if they are unsure about where or how to address a concern.

      Informal General Complaint Processes

      Informal complaints (i.e. concerns or expressions of dissatisfaction or disagreement) should be handled through direct communication (i.e. conversation, email, letter) between the student and the individual or office involved.

      1. The majority of student complaints can be addressed through communication with the individuals involved and are issues that are commonly handled by a university support office (i.e. Student Affairs, Human Resources, etc.)
      2. If the issue remains unresolved, the informal complaint should be directed to the appropriate university office, academic unit, or Dean for additional pursuit of resolution.

      Specific Complaint Processes

      There are many types specific complaints directly addressed by policy. Specific complaints and the source for the appropriate processes are listed below.

      General Complaint Processes

       ATSU recognizes students’ rights to express general complaints and seek solutions to problems arising from complaints, disagreements with faculty/administrators, or different interpretations of ATSU policy. Some concerns may involve course grades, promotion, financial concerns, etc. The procedure for expressing a general complaint that does not fall under the Code of Academic Conduct; Code of Behavioral Standards; Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Grievance procedures; or FERPA follows:

      • Academic.  Any concern that is academic in nature should be first discussed with the immediate instructor. If resolution cannot be reached, a student may appeal in writing to the next ranking administrator.
      • Non-academic.  Similarly, if there is a concern in areas other than academic, the student should first direct their complaint in writing to the director of the specific area of concern and then to the appropriate dean or vice president.

      General complaints should include the nature of the complaint, requested outcomes, and a description of previous attempts to resolve the issue informally. Students should expect a preliminary response from the appropriate office/unit within ten (10) business days of receipt of the general complaint. The designated responder will address the general complaint as timely as possible and will provide the student a final written determination including any proposed resolution.

      1. General complaints cannot be anonymous or filed on behalf of another person.
      2. Complaints that are handled through a different university process or procedure will be returned to the student with information on where/who to submit the complaint to for processing. See above for a list of specific complaint resources.

      Students are encouraged to consult with Student Affairs if unsure about where or how to address a concern and/or complaint. Submit a complaint.

      ATSU offers a fraud hotline allowing for anonymous complaints.  Visit the Fraud Hotline or call 1-855-FRAUD-HL, company ID “ATSU”.

  • Third-party content disclosures +

    • Third-party content disclosures
      ATSU is required by law to disclose to prospective and enrolled students any portion of a program that is being offered by an entity other than ATSU.
      Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health
      Academic program Name of third-party Location of third-party Method of delivery Summary of content Estimated additional cost to student
      Orthodontics Graduate Orthodontic Residents Program Ann Arbor or St. Louis In person Annual conference for all orthodontic residents for specialty education and networking There are no registration or lodging fees. Only travel expenses.
      Orthodontics The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation Tucson In person Lecture and laboratory procedures on the fundamentals of orthodontics $1,900 and any travel expenses

      Third-party content disclosures
      ATSU is required by law to disclose to prospective and enrolled students any portion of a program that is being offered by an entity other than ATSU.
      Arizona School of Health Sciences
      Academic program Name of third-party Location of third-party Method of delivery Summary of content Estimated additional cost to student
      PT Arizona Physical Therapy Association PO Box 1450, Tonto Basin, AZ 85553 Face-to-face Clinical instructor credentialing course No cost to students
      PT Scorebuilders 175 Innovation Way, Scarborough, ME 04074 On-campus face-to-face Prepare students for the National Physical Therapy Board exam No cost to students, cost is included in fees.
      OT TherapyEd TherapyEd 3023 N. Clark St. Suite 119 Chicago, IL 60657; Course content is delivered on ATSU's campus In-person lectures Prepare students for the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy exam No cost to students

      Third-party content disclosures
      ATSU is required by law to disclose to prospective and enrolled students any portion of a program that is being offered by an entity other than ATSU.
      College for Healthy Communities
      Academic program Name of third-party Location of third-party Method of delivery Summary of content Estimated additional cost to student
      PA Fireguy CPR Santa Maria for instruction
      In person Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training $500.00
      PA Butterfly Academy Network Online
      Supplemental application used in combination with faculty on the ground in Santa Maria for ultrasound in-person training Ultrasound training $27.50
      PA Emory Prep Course Online
      Remote online Prep for boards $455.00