ATSU-KCOM accreditation

In April 2021, A.T. Still University-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine earned the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) status of Accreditation with Exceptional Outcomes. Being granted full continuing accreditation signifies ATSU-KCOM has met or exceeded the COCA standards for educational quality. The next accreditation review for ATSU-KCOM will be in the academic year 2030-2031.

Contact COCA

American Osteopathic Association
142 E. Ontario St.
Chicago, IL 60611-2864

Program Accreditation and Complaints

ATSU-KCOM promotes conflict resolution using a chain of communication hierarchy. If a student has followed the chain of communication to attempt to resolve concerns without success, a complaint related to accreditation standards and procedures may be submitted to the ATSU-KCOM Dean. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Dean or designee will review and evaluate all relevant information and documentation relating to the complaint and determine the appropriate pathway for adjudication. All student complaints will be forwarded to and logged by the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and made available to the COCA visit committee at the next regularly scheduled COCA site visit. Log entries will include supporting documentation, actions, resolutions, and other pertinent information. If the issue is not resolved by the ATSU-KCOM Dean, the student may report the issue to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. The student can seek guidance from the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs or Vice President for Student Affairs, as needed.

Students wishing to file an anonymous complaint may do so by contacting the ATSU Fraud Hotline or calling 1-855-FRAUD-HL, company ID “ATSU”. Students may file complaints with the College or University without retaliation.

If the student has a complaint that the school is not following the COM Continuing Accreditation Standards, the student can make a complaint to the COCA, in writing following the information found on the AOACOCA website. All complaints must be signed by the complainant. Per the COCA, complaints will not be processed if submitted anonymously. The complainant must use the proper COCA complaint form to provide a narrative of allegations in relationship to the accreditation standard(s) or procedures and include any documentation that could support the allegation. Any complaints made directly to the COCA will remain anonymous to the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.

ATSU accreditation

A.T. Still University of Health Sciences is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission

230 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500,
Chicago, IL 60604

Phone: 800.621.7440 | Fax: 312.263.7462

Contact HLC

230 South LaSalle Street
Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 800.621.7440