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- Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health
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- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Decision-Making in Athletic Training
- Graduate Certificate in Orthopaedics
- Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Education
- Graduate Certificate in Sport Neurology and Concussion
- Certificate in Public Health, Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Response
- Certificate in Health Professions Education
- Certificate in Adaptive Sports
- Certificate in Corrective Exercise & Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Certificate in Exercise and Sport Psychology
- Certificate in Geriatric Exercise Science
- Certificate in Sports Conditioning
- Certificate in Fundamentals of Education
- Certificate in Global Health Concentration
- Certificate in Leadership & Organizational Behavior
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- Doctor of Health Administration
- a href="/college-of-graduate-health-studies/academics/doctor-of-health-sciences-degree-online">Doctor of Health Sciences
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- Master of Health Administration
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Canvas Demo Course
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- College for Healthy Communities
- Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
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Looking for This +
- About ATSU
- Programs of Study
- Residential Programs
- Doctorate Level Degree Programs
- Doctor of Audiology (AuD)
- Doctor of Dental Medicine - AZ (DMD)
- Doctor of Dental Medicine - MO (DMD)
- Occupational Therapy Entry-level - AZ (OTD-E)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)
- Doctor of Occupational Therapy - Entry Level
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine - AZ (DO)
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine - MO (DO)
- Master's in Orthodontics
- Master Level Degree Programs
- Doctorate Level Degree Programs
- Online Programs
- Doctorate Level Degree Programs
- Masters Level Degree Programs
- Advanced Physician Assistant (APA)
- Master of Health Administration (MHA)
- Master of Public Health Policy (MPH)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis (MPH-DE)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Master of Education in Health Professions Education (MEd)
- Master of Health Sciences (MHSc)
- Residency programs
- Online/Residential Blend Programs
- Continuing Education - CME
- Research
- Certificate Programs
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Decision-Making in Athletic Training
- Graduate Certificate in Orthopaedics
- Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Education
- Graduate Certificate in Sport Neurology and Concussion
- Certificate in Public Health, Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Response
- Certificate in Health Professions Education
- Certificate in Adaptive Sports
- Certificate in Corrective Exercise & Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Certificate in Exercise and Sport Psychology
- Certificate in Geriatric Exercise Science
- Certificate in Sports Conditioning
- Certificate in Fundamentals of Education
- Certificate in Global Health Concentration
- Certificate in Leadership & Organizational Behavior
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- Doctor of Health Administration (DHA)
- Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)
- Master of Health Administration (MHA)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Master of Public Health – Dental Emphasis
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM)
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- Osteopathic Medicine DO (Residential)
- Biomedical Sciences (MS)
- Audiology (AuD)
- Physical Therapy Orthopedic Residency
- Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency
- Doctor of Athletic Training (DAT)
- Doctor of Medical Science
- Athletic Training (MS)
- Occupational Therapy Entry-level (OTD-E)
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Physician Assistant Studies (MS)
- Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)
- Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology (AuD)
- Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Post-Professional Physical Therapy - non-degree
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Doctor of Health Education (DHEd)
- Health Administration (MHA)
- Public Health (MPH)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis (MPH)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Dental Medicine (DMD) - Missouri campus
- Certificate in Clinical Decision-Making in Athletic Training
- Certificate in Leadership and Organizational Behavior, Doctor of Health Sciences
- Certificate in Global Health, Doctor of Health Sciences
- Certificate in Fundamentals of Education, Doctor of Health Sciences
- Graduate Certificate in Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Master's in Orthodontics
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University-wide Assessment Committee
The University-wide Assessment Committee (UWAC) is responsible for providing leadership to the University community in the development and implementation of an integrated assessment plan for ATSU as a whole. This integrated assessment plan will flow from the University’s mission, vision, core values, and strategic plan, as well as the metrics, adopted by the Board of Trustees. UWAC will also focus on the core professional attributes applicable to all ATSU programs and students as well as institutional assessment standards of the Higher Learning Commission impacting the University as a whole. These efforts will support ATSU’s initiative to strengthen its culture of data-driven decision-making.
Purpose +
To carry out its intended purpose, the University-wide Assessment Committee will:
- Develop and recommend appropriate procedures regarding acquisition and use of university-wide assessment data, including development of common data definitions.
- Track key performance indicators and metrics based on the ATSU strategic plan goals. Assessment data will be used to provide information necessary for ATSU to promote accountability, transparency, and continuous quality improvement.
- Oversee UWAC-A in conducting periodic program review for ATSU academic programs based on an established program review process and timeline to promote quality programs and identify opportunities for improvement. Make recommendations regarding resource allocations to University leadership based on issues identified in program review reports.
- Work with the Office of Assessment and Accreditation (OAA) to ensure its counterparts at the college/school level develop various assessment plans that are effective and meaningful, appropriately complementary, and avoid unnecessary duplication. OAA facilitates appropriate aggregation of educational outcomes data across the University and increased student learning through feedback loops.
- Use assessment and evaluation data to recommend priorities at the institutional level for continuous quality improvement and decision-making. The focus of university-wide assessment is programmatic and institutional in nature and is not directed toward individual faculty, staff, or students
- Benchmark standards and maintain a continuous, systematic assessment program to measure student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness.
Roles and Responsibilities +
- “Umbrella/oversight” recommending committee with decision makers in the membership.
- UWAC membership will be comprised of individual representation by each appointed position from academic and resource support entities of the University.
- Receives recommendations from the subcommittees and makes resource-based recommendations for actions to address improvements to the president and Board of Trustees through the senior vice-presidents.
- Monitors HLC assessment expectations.
- The Vice Chancellor appoints the chair and chair-elect of UWAC. Members are appointed according to office.
- OAA is represented on UWAC.
UWAC Steering Committee
- Functions to coordinate and facilitate activities of the subcommittees consistent with UWAC objectives and sets UWAC agendas.
- Membership includes chairs of UWAC, UWAC-A and UWAC-R, and one elected representative from each subcommittee (5 members total).
UWAC Subcommittees +
UWAC Subcommittee on Academics (UWAC-A)
- Focused on all issues concerning development, delivery, outcomes, and assessment of the University curricula – reviews data, evaluates, and makes recommendations to UWAC.
- Responsible for conducting program reviews for accredited and non-accredited academic programs on a regular basis and reporting the program review to UWAC.
- Membership includes faculty, student, dean, and academic affairs representation from UWAC, plus additional faculty members.
- Chair and members-at-large elected by subcommittee.
UWAC Subcommittee on Institutional Resources (UWAC-R)
- Focused on all supporting functions for the educational programs – reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations to UWAC.
- Membership includes supporting unit membership representation from UWAC, plus additional key personnel, e.g., admissions and financial aid.
- Chair elected by subcommittee.
UWAC Membership and Composition +
The current UWAC chairperson is Marisa Hastie, dean at ATSU-CGHS (marisahastie@atsu.edu)
UWAC Membership Representatives Subcommittee Assignment UWAC chairperson Academic (member) & Institutional Resources (ex‐officio) Vice Chancellor Academic Support Academic & Institutional Resources Campus President Institutional Resources Chief Finance Officer Institutional Resources Chief Advancement Officer Institutional Resources Vice Chancellor Grants & Research Institutional Resources Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Institutional Resources Chief Information Officer Institutional Resources Deans Council Representative Academic Chief Diversity Officer Institutional Resources OAA Director Academic & Institutional Resources University Faculty Senate representative Academic University Staff Council representative Institutional Resources Student Government Assn representative Academic University Strategic Initiative representative Institutional Resources At-large faculty representative (AZ, MO, or online*) Academic At-large student representative (AZ, MO, or online*) Academic Institutional Research representative Institutional Resources University Accreditation representative Academic and Institutional Resources Immediate past Chair UWAC Academic *At‐large faculty and student are selected to assure that beyond the senate or student association representative from each group, both campuses are represented.
UWAC Subcommittee on Academics
- UWAC chairperson
- Vice Chancellor Academic Support
- OAA Director
- University Assessment Project Manager
- University Government Association representative
- Deans Council Representative
- At‐large faculty representative (AZ or MO*)
- At‐large student representative (AZ or MO*)
- Teaching & Learning Center
- UWAC Past-Chairperson
- Institutional Research Representative
- ASDOH representative
- ASHS representative
- CGHS representative
- CHC representative
- KCOM representative
- MOSDOH representative
- SOMA representative
UWAC Subcommittee on Institutional Resources
- UWAC Chairperson (Ex-officio)
- Vice Chancellor Academic Support
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Advancement Officer
- Vice Chancellor Research & Grants
- Vice Chancellor Student Affairs
- Chief Information Officer
- Chief Diversity Officer
- OAA Director
- Chief Marketing Officer
- University Accreditation Project Manager
- University Data Manager
- UWAC Past-Chairperson
Note: Ad hoc members may be added to either subcommittee as needed for specific expertise. Senior vice president, academic affairs and senior vice chancellor, University planning and strategic initiatives make recommendations to the chancellor. The chancellor appoints the UWAC chair. University Faculty Senate and University Student Association appoint at‐large members. Subcommittee chairs are elected by subcommittee.
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- Support Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health
- Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health
- Arizona School of Health Sciences
- Arizona School of Health Sciences Home Page
- About Arizona School of Health Sciences
- Admissions
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- Departments
- Online Programs
- Certificate Programs
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Decision-Making in Athletic Training
- Graduate Certificate in Orthopaedics
- Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Education
- Graduate Certificate in Sport Neurology and Concussion
- Certificate in Public Health, Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Response
- Certificate in Health Professions Education
- Certificate in Adaptive Sports
- Certificate in Corrective Exercise & Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Certificate in Exercise and Sport Psychology
- Certificate in Geriatric Exercise Science
- Certificate in Sports Conditioning
- Certificate in Fundamentals of Education
- Certificate in Global Health Concentration
- Certificate in Leadership & Organizational Behavior
- Prospective Students
- Residential Programs
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- Support Arizona School of Health Sciences
- College of Graduate Health Studies
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- Doctor of Health Administration
- a href="/college-of-graduate-health-studies/academics/doctor-of-health-sciences-degree-online">Doctor of Health Sciences
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- Master of Health Administration
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Canvas Demo Course
- Prospective Students
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- Support College of Graduate Health Studies
- College for Healthy Communities
- Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
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- Postdoctoral Study (Still OPTI)
- Scholarly Activity
- ATSU Portal
- Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation
- University Student Handbook
- Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine Catalog
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- Board Scores
- Postgraduate Placement
- University Catalog
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- Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health
- School of Osteopathic Medicine Arizona
- School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona Home Page
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- School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona Academic Calendars
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- Osteopathic Medicine Center
- Support School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona
Looking for This +
- About ATSU
- Programs of Study
- Residential Programs
- Doctorate Level Degree Programs
- Doctor of Audiology (AuD)
- Doctor of Dental Medicine - AZ (DMD)
- Doctor of Dental Medicine - MO (DMD)
- Occupational Therapy Entry-level - AZ (OTD-E)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)
- Doctor of Occupational Therapy - Entry Level
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine - AZ (DO)
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine - MO (DO)
- Master's in Orthodontics
- Master Level Degree Programs
- Doctorate Level Degree Programs
- Online Programs
- Doctorate Level Degree Programs
- Masters Level Degree Programs
- Advanced Physician Assistant (APA)
- Master of Health Administration (MHA)
- Master of Public Health Policy (MPH)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis (MPH-DE)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Master of Education in Health Professions Education (MEd)
- Master of Health Sciences (MHSc)
- Residency programs
- Online/Residential Blend Programs
- Continuing Education - CME
- Research
- Certificate Programs
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Decision-Making in Athletic Training
- Graduate Certificate in Orthopaedics
- Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Education
- Graduate Certificate in Sport Neurology and Concussion
- Certificate in Public Health, Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Response
- Certificate in Health Professions Education
- Certificate in Adaptive Sports
- Certificate in Corrective Exercise & Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Certificate in Exercise and Sport Psychology
- Certificate in Geriatric Exercise Science
- Certificate in Sports Conditioning
- Certificate in Fundamentals of Education
- Certificate in Global Health Concentration
- Certificate in Leadership & Organizational Behavior
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- Colleges & Schools
- Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ASDOH)
- Arizona School of Health Sciences (ASHS)
- College of Graduate Health Studies (CGHS)
- CGHS Home Page
- Doctor of Health Education (DHEd)
- Doctor of Health Administration (DHA)
- Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)
- Master of Health Administration (MHA)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Master of Public Health – Dental Emphasis
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM)
- Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health (MOSDOH)
- School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona (SOMA)
- ASHS Departments
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- Learning Resources and Counseling
- Wellness Programs
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- National Center for Native American Indian Health Professions
I Want To +
- Connect
- Learn
- About ATSU
- Osteopathic Medicine DO (Residential)
- Biomedical Sciences (MS)
- Audiology (AuD)
- Physical Therapy Orthopedic Residency
- Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency
- Doctor of Athletic Training (DAT)
- Doctor of Medical Science
- Athletic Training (MS)
- Occupational Therapy Entry-level (OTD-E)
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Physician Assistant Studies (MS)
- Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)
- Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology (AuD)
- Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Post-Professional Physical Therapy - non-degree
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Doctor of Health Education (DHEd)
- Health Administration (MHA)
- Public Health (MPH)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis (MPH)
- Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis with a Dental Public Health Residency Certificate
- Dental Medicine (DMD) - Missouri campus
- Certificate in Clinical Decision-Making in Athletic Training
- Certificate in Leadership and Organizational Behavior, Doctor of Health Sciences
- Certificate in Global Health, Doctor of Health Sciences
- Certificate in Fundamentals of Education, Doctor of Health Sciences
- Graduate Certificate in Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Master's in Orthodontics
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