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Getting There:
Webinar Series

Academic Progress

The mission that drives ATSU includes a specific focus on diversity and underserved populations. The University is mindful of these focus areas, from the student recruitment process through students’ clinical training locations and the populations they serve. With more than 25 programs and growing, ATSU is dedicated to preparing students to become leaders in the healthcare industry. Students can choose from master’s degrees across allied health disciplines; doctorates in athletic training, audiology, health administration, health education, health sciences, occupational therapy, and physical therapy; the doctor of dental medicine; and the doctor of osteopathic medicine.

Learn more about our academic programs.

Additional Resources

We invite you to explore the many ways to become involved at ATSU by reviewing the following resources.

The Office for Diversity & Inclusion has also created a list of resources for those looking for information on mitigating microaggressions on unconscious biases. That information can be found on this site:

News links

Do you or someone you know want to help improve the health of your community? Aspire to be a physician, dentist, or physician assistant?

Turn your passion into your calling as a Hometown Scholars endorsed applicant. Hometown Scholars helps ATSU meet the needs of community health centers by identifying, attracting, and educating dedicated, motivated, and qualified community-minded healers.

Click here for more information

Social Media

Follow us and stay up to date with the latest news and events.

ATSU Faculty Resources

Ethnic Diversity Source is a full-text journal and magazine database focused on the culture, traditions, social treatments, and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in the United States, including research on how ethnicity affects health. Sources include journals, magazines, book chapters, historical documents, and videos from the Associated Press.

The Diversity and Ethnic Studies eBook Collection includes thousands of eBooks on the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion, ready to use for teaching and research across the university.

LGBTQ+ Source is a full-text database covering LGBTQ+ studies, including healthcare-related topics. Sources included journals, magazines, primary sources, and videos.

The Historymakers Oral Digital History Archives is a robust collection of oral history interviews with pioneering African-Americans in Healthcare. Each interview is divided into small segments, making them easy to use in teaching and coursework.

Behavioral/Mental Health Resources for People of Color

Addressing Mental Health in the Black Community | Columbia University Department of Psychiatry
ATSU mental health resources - Missouri
ATSU mental health resources - Arizona
ATSU mental health resources - California
ATSU mental health resources - St. Louis
Ayana app – matches users to licensed professionals based on culture, race, and experiences
Safe Place App – Free all-in-one destination with stats on mental health in the black community, advice on how to cope after incidents of police brutality, breathing techniques, open forum discussions, and tips about addressing mental health in your family
BIPOC Therapists: Empowering the Community through Education and Awareness
Exploring the Mental Health Stigma in Black Communities
Inclusive Therapists – Provide therapists with racial trauma training, and they have a directory and reduced price virtual sessions
LGBTQ Therapists of Color – Director for therapists and other resources
Live Another Day – Extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for people of color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources. They have guides for black, Latinx, Asian, and native people.
Mental Health Resources for the BIPOC Community
Mental Health Resources for the Latinx Community
Stigma Regarding Mental Illness among People of Color
Therapy for Black Girls – Cultural competent therapy search, featured in Oprah Mag, BET, Essence, others. Free support groups on Thursday nights.
Therapy For Black Men – has some funding to offer free funding. Mission is “breaking down barriers that often keep our Black men out of therapy”

Community Partners

Academic Medicine Consortium of Arizona (AMCA) — composed of allopathic and osteopathic medical schools in Arizona that share best practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and collaborate in outreach and pipeline development efforts.

Diversity Education

Educating culturally competent students and building a community of culturally proficient employees is within ATSU’s mission. The following valuable online tools and resources are available to enhance the value of an ATSU educational experience.

  • Academy of Communication in Healthcare - The Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH) is the professional home for all those who are committed to improving communication and relationships in healthcare. The ACH has been in the forefront of research and teaching relationship-centered healthcare communication. If you are looking for ways to improve patient safety, interdisciplinary teamwork, patient satisfaction scores, or just want to develop your individual communication skills, ACH is a great resource.
  • DiversityEdu is a comprehensive web-based diversity training tool. The goal of the program is to develop day-to-day skills which broaden employee and student skills to be more inclusive.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources - Read more to find out how the Responsive Classroom approach is a key lever to changing beliefs and systems that impact issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) - The resources below, drawn from a variety of external sources, provide an entrée into DEI topics for higher education IT professionals who would like elevate diversity and inclusion as a priority personally or for their organizations.
  • Diversity 3.0 Learning Series is offered through the Association of American Medical Colleges.
  • Earth Day DEI Resources - As environmentalists we work every day to protect the health of all habitats, species and communities. There are many signs that we still have a long way to go until we can rest. Air and water pollution from landfills and toxic industry disproportionately impact low-income and minority communities. Indigenous rights to land and life are threatened globally as companies and government continue to prioritize profit over human rights. The impacts of climate change threaten the most vulnerable communities on our planet.
  • Learning For Justice - Learning for Justice seeks to uphold the mission of the Southern Poverty Law Center: to be a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.
  • Microagression in Everyday Life is a video defining and understanding what can be done to address microagression.
  • National Education Association Diversity Toolkit – An online toolkit that provides an introduction to the multiple facets of diversity. It offers basic information, a short list of strategies and tools, and suggestions for how to find out more. Neither the short list of topics in this toolkit nor the content within each topic is meant to be exhaustive.
  • National LGBTHealth Education Center - The National LGBT Health Education Center provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
  • Project Implicit offers online tests that help individuals gain a greater awareness of their own unconscious biases and beliefs.
  • Think Cultural Health National CLAS Standards – The National CLAS Standards are a set of 15 action steps intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by providing a blueprint for individuals and health and health care organizations to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
  • Think Cultural Health Resources – Find articles, presentations, newsletters, and more about culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) and the National CLAS Standards.
  • Understanding Prejudice is a resource website exploring the causes and consequences of prejudice.


Research is the backbone of the academic process. Diversity has a widely recognized relationship to the vestiges of the healing process. Therefore research on healthcare disparities related to diversity is necessary in a health professions education environment. This section is devoted to internal research by our students, faculty and staff on diversity related topics pertaining to healthcare disparities.

Lapinski, J., & P. Sexton. Still in the closet: the invisible minority in medical education. BMC Medical Education 2014, 14:171

Summary: To investigate the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity in regard to levels of depression; levels of perceived social support; comfort with disclosure of orientation; and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) campus climate.


Resources Related to Eliminating Oppressive Language

Allyship training (some of the same people from the now defunct ADA Initiative)
An Incomplete Guide to Inclusive Language for Startups and Tech
Avoiding Ableist Language, Augsburg University Writing Lab resource on words to avoid and potential alternatives.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources - EDUCAUSE
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources - Responsive Classroom
Draft reference document being used for discussion within NC State Office of Information Technology’s website coordination team. Also, the NC State Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity has a page on Speaking and Writing about Diversity. Scroll down to the section on general diversity terminology.
Discrimination, Wikipedia entry
Gender of connectors and fasteners, Wikipedia entry
Evidence That Gendered Wording in Job Advertisements Exists and Sustains Gender Inequality
Glossary of Racial Equity Terms, Racial Equity Tools
Google's inclusive documentation
Inclusive Language Glossary - Crowdsourced list created by the ARiA team
Infosec community disagrees with changing 'black hat' term due to racial stereotyping, article on ZDNet
Inclusion and Diversity Education Resources - Earth Day
Is It Enough To Remove Words With Racist Connotations From Tech Language? Hint: No, article/podcast on NPR
Learning for Justice - Education Resources
Microsoft Office can help you write with inclusive language — here’s how, June 15, 2020 article in The Next Web
Removing harmful language from my lexicon, blog post by Duncan Nisbet
Slides from the Oct. 6, 2020 Journey Toward Eliminating Oppressive Language coffee shop session, including a partial list of terms and potential alternatives.
Striking out Racist Terminology in Engineering, Boston University article
Tech Confronts Its Use of the Labels ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’, Wired article
Tech companies update language to avoid offensive terms, Marketplace article
The Colors of Cybersecurity, by Bob Turner, CISO, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Twitter engineers replacing racially loaded tech terms like 'master,' 'slave', CNET article

Suggested Cultural Proficiency Reading List

A Spectacular Secret: Lynching in American Life and Literature by Jacqueline Goldsby
Addressing Systemic Racism Through Clinical Preventive Service Recommendations From the US Preventive Services Task Force
A Progressive’s Style Guide
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
Changing How Race Is Portrayed in Medical Education: Recommendations From Medical Students
Daily email to dismantle white supremacy
Cultural Competence: A Lifelong Journey to Cultural Proficiency by Ronnie Linda Leavitt
Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders by Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Raymond D. Terrell, Delores B. Lindsey
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Opening Doors: An Implementation Template for Cultural Proficiency by Trudy T. Arriaga, Randall B. Lindsey
Race and Pharmacogenomics—Personalized Medicine or Misguided Practice?
Read other articles curated with the intent to help readers engage in necessary conversations about race and to inform strategies to eliminate structural racism in institutions in a free-to-read collection.
Shared Equity Leadership Making Equity Everyone's Work a study done by American Council on Education (ACE)
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
The Center for Culturally Proficient Educational Practice
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Suggested Cultural Proficient Videos