DO Students


We are pleased that you will be attending ATSU’s Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health in July 2017. MOSDOH requires each student to have documented immunizations from birth to present day. These immunizations can be documented by either:

Once you have gathered the necessary records, please email or fax to the address/number listed below.

Please have all copies of your records to our office by May 15, 2017. If you have trouble locating your records due to loss of some sort, try contacting your undergraduate school or your high school for copies of your past records. It is MOSDOH policy that we must maintain copies of all your immunization records while an active student. These records are kept for six years after graduation and then destroyed.

Students must provide immunization records for:

If you have any questions about the immunization policy, please feel free to email or call 660.626.2880.

Thank you,
Student Success
Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health
A.T. Still University
800 West Jefferson St.
Kirksville, MO  63501
Fax: 660.626.2812