Dental student checklist
As you prepare to make the transition to A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) Mesa, Arizona, campus, please keep the following checklist handy:
- Return acceptance agreement, background check, and all necessary payment deposits and forms by established deadlines.
- Mark your calendar for your student orientation.
- Check ATSU email for important information.
- Meet your classmates through the online forum (you will receive access information via email).
- Apply for financial aid.
- Submit all necessary health insurance and immunization information.
- Make housing arrangements – feel free to use the ATSU’s admissions office as home base for your planning.
- Contact ATSU Department of Admissions with any changes to your contact information (phone, email, address) so you will receive important updates.
We are pleased that you will be attending ATSU’s Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH) in July 2025. Please have all copies of your records to our office by June 1, 2025. ATSU-ASDOH requires each student to have documented immunizations from birth to present day. These immunizations can be documented by either:
- Individual immunization record from childhood or
- State of Arizona allowable immunization exemption certificates on file with Student Success prior to matriculation. ATSU-ASDOH policy requires that all active students maintain compliance with the immunization and screening requirements.
Once you have gathered the necessary records, please email or fax to the address/number listed below. All immunization records must be from a U.S. Licensed MD, DO, PA or NP. ASDOH does not accept foreign immunization records. Foreign immunization records must be verified and documented by a US licensed MD or DO only.
Please have all copies of your records to our office by June 1, 2025. If you have trouble locating your records due to loss of some sort, try contacting your undergraduate school or your high school for copies of your past records. It is ATSU-ASDOH policy that we must maintain copies of all your immunization records while an active student. These records are kept for six years after graduation and then destroyed.
Students must provide immunization records for:
- Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) series: a booster of Tdap within the last 10 years.
- Polio virus series: if documentation cannot be produced, a Polio Booster is required.
- Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR): two doses and a positive titer is required. If titer comes back negative, a booster is required
- Varicella series; 2 doses and a positive titer is required (history of chickenpox is not acceptable). If titer comes back negative, a booster is required
- Hepatitis B series: three doses and a positive titer is required. If titer comes back negative, a booster is required
- Tuberculosis test (TB). Will accept any of the following tests and must be completed after January 1st of your matriculation year. All tests must have negative result. If your test does not, please contact ASDOH immunizations immediately:
Skin Test - reading 48-72 hours after placement
Blood draw (quantiFERON or TSpot)
XRay radiology report - must show in report no active TB present - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): All matriculating students must sign up for the CPR course ATSU-ASDOH will offer during your orientation week. We will not accept previous CPR certifications/courses in lieu of this requirement.
- These immunizations are highly recommended but not required for matriculation to ATSU-ASDOH. Some of our external partners may require these and any student wishing to complete an external rotation there will need to obtain these for placement:
Current COVID Vaccine
Influenza vaccine
If you have any questions about the immunization policy, please feel free to email or call 480.248.8188 or 480.219.6099