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Core Professional Attributes
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Core Professional Attributes

Emblematic of our mission and values, the Core Professional Attributes (CPAs) are a set of five cross-curricular meta-skills inherent to all A.T. Still University graduates. The CPAs enable graduates to select, adapt and apply their discipline-specific knowledge and skills to varying situations, enhancing competence and improving outcomes across all aspects of their roles as healthcare professionals.

Three “key elements” have been identified for each CPA. They are a select subset of measurable examples that may be used as indicators confirming achievement of the CPAs by students.

  • Critical Thinking +

    • Definition: Finding, appraising and applying evidence in conjunction with best practice in the process of healthcare decision making.

      Key Elements

      • Evidence-based Decision-making
        • Defines the issue or problem and gathers evidence to inform decision making in selecting options for the best healthcare outcomes and/or conclusions.
      • Critical Appraisal
        • Assesses evidence used for decision-making and draws inferences and conclusions based on valid, reliable and relevant information.
      • Evaluation and Reflection
        • Analyzes consequences of decisions and reflects on implications for future decisions.

  • Interprofessional Collaboration +

    • Definition: Working effectively on an interprofessional team to deliver high quality whole person healthcare and improve health outcomes.

      Key Elements

      • Scopes of Practice
        • Recognizes the scopes of practice and values the unique roles and responsibilities each profession contributes to whole person healthcare.
      • Collaboration and Consultancy
        • Includes other healthcare professionals, patients and family members in planning and implementing care to achieve the best healthcare outcome.
      • Teamwork/Teambuilding
        • Applies concepts of teamwork and shares responsibility for team actions.

  • Cultural Proficiency +

    • Definition: Valuing differences, respecting others and demonstrating behavior that enables effective interactions in all situations. Key Elements

      • Cultural Knowledge
        • Demonstrates understanding of the complex elements inherent to cultural differences and their impact on health and healthcare delivery.
      • Cultural Differences
        • Applies understanding of cultural differences through active participation in diverse cultural experiences and opportunities.
      • Adaption to Diversity
        • Mitigates differences by communicating and acting in a supportive manner and recognizing other cultural group perspectives.

  • Social Responsibility +

    • Definition: Engaging in initiatives and activities that positively impact the health and wellbeing of the individuals, communities and professions served.

      Key Elements

      • Engagement
        • Advocates for health and wellness through engagement with and participation in community, professional and/or scholarly endeavors.
      • Responsibility and Accountability
        • Advocates for equal access to quality and cost effective healthcare, and participates in projects focusing on the underserved locally, nationally and/or globally.
      • Ethics and Code of Conduct
        • Demonstrates an understanding of the ethical standards and codes of conduct governing their profession.

  • Interpersonal Skills +

    • Definition: Communicating and interacting successfully with patients, families, colleagues and other professionals in the healthcare delivery process.​

      Key Elements

      • Communication Skills
        • Utilizes appropriate oral/written/non-verbal presentation skills to communicate effectively.
      • Active Listening and Questioning
        • Listens, responds and asks questions to improve and promote mutual understanding.
      • Conflict Management/Resolution
        • Identifies the basic issues in a conflict and develops an effective approach to achieve resolution.