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Welcome to the 2022-23 school year from the A.T. Still Memorial Library

The A.T. Still Memorial Library is happy to welcome our new students and faculty for the school year! This is a brief overview of all the way’s the library can help you. The library has physical locations on each of ATSU’s three campuses, as well a strong digital presence to support our online students. The libraries are staffed from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Campus emails and phone numbers are listed below.

Missouri library : | 660.626.2345

Arizona library : | 480.219.6090

California library: | 805.621.7687

The library provides a variety of services to support students and faculty with their coursework, teaching, and research. While most of our books are eBooks, a small collection of print books are available at all three of our campuses. In addition, each library stocks a small selection of other materials available for checkout. Be sure to take advantage of our anatomical models, which students can use to study at any three of our campus locations. In addition, students and faculty, including online students, can request that the library 3D prints anatomical models or other items to support their research and education. Each library also has a collection of print textbook reserves, so students can check out textbooks for short periods of time if they don’t want to purchase their own copies. Many required textbooks are also available as eBooks, check out your respective program toolkit for more information.

The library’s website provides information on all of the many services the library offers. You can also access the library website through the ATSU portal, which is recommended if you are off campus to minimize access issues. On the website, you will find Still OneSearch, which searches many of our databases all at once, making it convenient to find articles. Note that if you cannot find the full-text of article in our catalog, library staff can obtain it for you via our Interlibray loan service.

The website also contains links to some of our most important most used resources, including program toolkits for students, which collect our most important resources for students in each academic program here at ATSU. Our Ask-A-Librarian form is where you can ask library staff questions or request articles. Be sure to check out our A-Z Database List to see all the resources the library provides, as well as Browzine, an app we use to provide convenient browsing and searching of all our academic journals.

You will also find a link to all of our LibGuides on our website, which are pages that the library creates and maintains containing book lists, tutorials, information, and curated resources to help you succeed in your academic career!

This article only scratches the surface of what the library can offer you, so please spend some time browsing our website, and always feel free to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.


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