SPSS Statistics 27 added to the Ficus Tech Room
Posted: July 24, 2021The library is pleased to announce a new software for our Ficus Tech Room in Arizona, SPSS Statistics 27. The
IBM® SPSS® software platform offers advanced statistical analysis, a vast library of machine learning
algorithms, text analysis, open source extensibility, integration with big data and seamless deployment
into applications.
In addition to SPSS, Ficus also has three other specialized technologies for faculty, staff, and students to
use. Two technologies involve 3D printing, a 3D scanner, and OsiriX. The third technology is a self-
editing station. Our 3D scanner is using the software NextEngine. This software allows you to scan,
align, polish, and fuse 3D models. These 3D files can then be printed with the library’s 3D printer.
OsiriX is a software to view images produced by radiology equipment, such as MRI, CT, and ultrasounds.
Its key features are displaying, reviewing, interpreting, and post-processing the images. Images can be
turned into 3D files and printed by the library’s 3D printer.
The self-editing station allows you to edit videos using Camtasia. Camtasia is a simple-to-use screen
recorder and video editor.
All room use needs to be reserved and approved by library staff ahead of time. Library staff will not be
experts in using the technologies, but can provide basic starting steps or tutorials for people to review.
We recommend people review the tutorials before requesting Ficus. Ficus use should be limited to
using the software or computers for a specific project requiring the technology. Learning and tutorial
review should be completed on a personal device.
Learn more on the Ficus Tech Room LibGuide.
by Adrienne Brodie, MLS, liaison librarian for ATSU-ASHS & ATSU-SOMA