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Service and perseverance

ATSU-KCOM stage party at commencement
ATSU-KCOM Dean Margaret Wilson, DO, ‘82, and ATSU President Craig Phelps, DO, ‘84 (back, center), along with members of ATSU-KCOM’s stage party, celebrate the class of 2019’s Commencement Ceremony in Kirksville, Missouri.

This issue of Still Magazine emphasizes service, a theme central to the University’s mission and a passion shared by many at ATSU. On a more subtle note, this issue also emphasizes perseverance and the journey each of us takes to achieve our goals. Compassion for others and determination to improve health and wellness are hallmark traits of our University community.

Recently, ATSU completed its reaccreditation process with the Higher Learning Commission. In addition to receiving full accreditation for 10 years, we received many positive acknowledgements from site visitors, including the University’s commitment to community engagement and service. While it certainly took perseverance to complete the multiyear process and evaluation, the recognition of our service-oriented culture spoke volumes about our collective dedication to ATSU’s mission and to serving others.

As the University continues to grow and finds more ways to serve its communities, many changes are taking place. New centers and clinics dedicated to education and improving access to care are opening on our campuses, and faculty and staff are finding innovative opportunities to educate and prepare students. I hope you will take time to learn about these endeavors on the following pages, and thank you for your continued support of our great institution.

Yours in service,

Craig M. Phelps, DO, ’84, president


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