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PT alumna trained in innovative aquatic therapy

Jessica1Jessica Huss, PT, DPT ’02, CCI, is one of only six AquaStretch™ trained instructors in North America. AquaStretch is a breakthrough in aquatic therapy, pain management and physical medicine and it often succeeds when other traditional treatments have failed.

According to Dr. Huss, AquaStretch differs from other aquatic and stretching procedures in two ways. First, the AquaStretch patient is encouraged and given permission to actively participate by being asked to “Move, if you feel the need to move.” This differs from traditional treatments where the patient remains passive while receiving treatment. Active participation by the client removes the expectation of being “done” by the therapist, which may inhibit a person’s natural need to move and stretch.

Second, AquaStretch differs from other forms of aquatic therapy by applying stretch resistance. Weights of five to 15 lbs are attached to the patient’s body to obtain a deep fascial stretch in positions not possible on land. Stretch resistance may also be varied by changing the depth of water, and/or varying the facilitator’s pressure.

Dr. Huss is the owner/aquatic physical therapy director of the Aquatic Rehab & Wellness Center in Lake Havasu City, Ariz. She also serves as an adjunct faculty for the PT assistant program at Mohave Community College.  You can find out more about AquaStretch at


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