New resources for the ATSM library
Posted: November 30, 2017![](
Visible Body, a 3-D visual anatomy software package was introduced as a new anatomy resource this year for all A.T. Still University (ATSU) students and was adopted by ATSU’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona anatomy. If any other school is interested in full program adoption, you are invited to contact the library staff and schedule that for July 2018. This resource replaced Netter’s 3-D Cyberanatomy. This program suite also includes specialized anatomy units for muscles, physiology, the circulatory system, and the skeleton. A page listing the VisibleBody Apps is also available.
AccessBiomedical Science brings several new titles to the library’s collection with strengths in public health and biomedical science. New titles are:
- The Basic Science of Oncology, 5e
- Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology, 3e
- Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons
- Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers, 2e
- Harrison’s Endocrinology4e
- Harrison’s Hematology and Oncology, 3e
- Harrison’s Infectious Diseases, 3e
- Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventative Medicine, 15e
- Medical Epidemiology: Population Health and Effective Health Care, 5e
- Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience
- The Organic Chemistry of Medicinal Agents
- Primer of Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance, 3e
- Primer of Biostatistics
- Principles of Neural Science, 5e
- Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology
Other New Ebooks
- Auricular reconstruction/ Franc̦oise Firmin [2017]
- Balance function assessment and management/ Gary P. Jacobson
- Boards and wards for USMLE step 2/ Carlos Ayala [2018]
- Clinical genomics : practical applications in adult patient care / Michael F. Murray [2014]
- Complementary, alternative, and integrative health : a multicultural perspective / Helda Pinzon-Perez [2016]
- Cultural competence in health education and health promotion/ Miguel A. Perez [2014]
- Current medical diagnosis & treatment 2018 / Maxine A. Papadakis
- Exercise physiology/ John P. Porcari [2015]
- Health behavior change : theories, methods and interventions/ Andrew Prestwich
- Health care information systems / Karen A. Wager
- Healing pain and injury/ Maud Nerman [2013]
- The history of occupational therapy : the first century/ Lori T. Andersen [2017]
- Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring/ Aage R. Møller
- Kaplan & Sadock’s concise textbook of clinical psychiatry / Benjamin James Sadock [2017]
- Principles of Evaluation and Research for Health Care Programs
- Stanfield’s introduction to health professions/ Nanna Cross
- Using Sources Effectively : Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding Plagiarism
Clinical Key eBooks
- Abernathy’s surgical secrets / Alden H. Harken [2018]
- The anteriorcruciate ligament / Chadwick C. Prodromos [2018]
- The breast : comprehensive management / Kirby I. Bland [2018]
- Breast cancer screening / Nehmat Houssami [2016]
- Cardiac electrophysiology : from cell to bedside/ Douglas P. Zipe
- Diagnostic ultrasound/ Carol M. Rumack [2018]
- Fracture management for primary care/ M. Patrice Eiff [2018]
- Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound/ Jon A. Jacobson [2018]
- Gahart’s 2018 intravenous medications/ Betty L. Gahart [2018].
- Genomic and precision medicine/ Geoffrey S. Ginsburg [2017]
- Hematology : basic principles and practice/ Ronald Hoffman [2018]
- The interventional cardiac catheterization handbook/ Morton J. Kern
- Morrey’s the elbow and its disorders/ Bernard F. Morrey [2018].
- Obstetric imaging : fetal diagnosis and care/ Joshua A. Copel [2018]
- The pituitary/ Shlomo Melmed [2017]
- Principles of gender-specific medicine / Marianne J. Legato [2017]
- Principles and practice of pediatric infectious diseases/ Sarah S. Long [2018]
- Robotics and digital guidance in ENT-H&N surgery/ Bernard Lombard [2017]
- Sedation : a guide to patient management/ Stanley F. Malamedv [2018]
- Textbook of diagnostic sonography/ Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert [2018]
- Ultrasound guided musculoskeletal injections/ Gina Allen [2018]
- Urgent care dermatology : symptom-based diagnosis/ James E. Fitzpatrick, [2018]
- The ADA practical guide to patients with medical conditions/ Lauren L. Patton [2016]
- Mosby’s dental drug reference/ Arthur H. Jeske [2018]
- Pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry / Frank J. Dowd [2017]