New library website: Still OneSearch changes
Posted: November 7, 2018
The Still OneSearch box on the A.T. Still Memorial Library website still offers all of the same features and abilities, but looks quite different. Just as before, use it to search nearly all of our full-text journals, e-books, databases, and tools at once. The new version has been updated visually to make it simpler to use and to offer a more seamless experience. The default search options have changed to allow you to apply more limits after you have run a search, to give you more opportunity to see and edit the results of your imposed limits. In detail:
- The full-text, e-books, and peer-reviewed limiter options have moved to the results screen – run your search, and then select them from the left side of the results screen to narrow your found items.
- There is also now a dedicated search tab to search e-books at the top of the box
- The discipline limiters are no longer selected by default, but you can find them by clicking on the arrow and label at the bottom left of the search box.
- There are now links to the library catalog below the search button, with the advanced search, help, and browse e-journals
- Click on the tabs at the top of the search box to find searches for clinical resources (UptoDate/Dynamed/Rehab Ref), Pubmed, and e-books.
- The search options and limits are all now below the search box for the Search tabs.
These changes to the Still OneSearch discovery box will make your research and searching experiences easier and more consistent, and hope that you will agree once you’ve explored the new version. Please contact Electronic Resources Librarian Hal Bright with any questions.