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New library resources: databases, LibGuides, and reports

The A.T. Still Memorial Library is happy to announce several new resources, including databases and LibGuides, to help our students and faculty with their research, teaching, and clinical practice.

If you want to keep up with new and trial databases the library subscribes to, head to our A-Z Database List and scroll down to New/Trial Databases on the right-hand side of the page. As a reminder, the A-Z database list is the best way to get authenticated links to our databases so you don’t encounter any access issues.

Read on for more information about each new resource.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education is a comprehensive research collection of in-depth, peer-reviewed research articles and summaries on education topics. You can browse by topic areas such as curriculum & pedagogy, educational leadership, and research methods, or you can search for articles on a specific topic. The Encyclopedia’s search features include standard search options such as searching by title, author, DOI, or keyword, as well as narrowing down your search results to full-text articles or just summaries. If you are researching or studying medical education or educational leadership, the Encyclopedia is a great starting point for getting authoritative information on a variety of topics. Articles in this database provide a great overview of a topic so you can hit the ground running when researching a new topic. The citation lists can also make a great starting point for further research.

BEME Collaboration

The BEME Collaboration is an international group of individuals, universities, and professional organizations committed to the development of evidence-informed education in the medical and health professions. Their website hosts high-quality systematic reviews of the research literature related to education in medicine and the health professions. BEME has currently produced 75 systematic reviews, with more being added on a regular basis. If you are doing research on health professions education or want to incorporate the best possible research on education and learning into your own instructional approach, BEME is a great place to look.

BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports is a large and trusted source for peer-reviewed case reports. In BMJ Case Reports, you can browse for reports by specialty, as well as browse the website’s most recent or most read reports. BMJ Case Reports also contains a selection of video reports and images. The website also has a collection of e-letters, where you can see the responses that case reports have received and join in on the scholarly conversation. Using BMJ Case Reports’ search features, you can search by keyword, author, title, or abstract and limit your search results by publication date and type of report. BMJ Case Reports also has a useful citation search if you are looking for a known item. BMJ Case Reports is currently a trial database, so please do give the library any feedback you have after you have had a chance to try it out.


eAnatomy in an interactive atlas of human anatomy available online, as well as on mobile devices. eAnatomy features over 6,700 anatomic structures and 870,000 medical labels. In addition to illustrations, eAnatomy contains CT, MRI, radiographs, and nuclear images. On top of the main interactive atlas, the eAnatomy website also contains interactive games for learning anatomy, a Dicom image viewer, an online MRI imaging course, a clinical case database, and more! eAnataomy supplements the library’s wide variety of anatomy resources available for our students and faculty.

New LibGuide

Check out our new 2023 NIH Data Management Sharing Policy Guidelines. This guide breaks down the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy that takes effect in 2023, and guides you through the steps of creating a Data Management Sharing Plan, which will be required for all NIH-funded research that produces scientific data.


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