New additions to the Missouri library space
Posted: May 16, 2018
Charging station
The library has added a rapid charging station for smartphones and tablets. The new charging station sits in front of the circulation desk on the old dictionary stand–an excellent repurposing of old technology for new! If you are interested in consulting an elderly dictionary, they are still available from the lower shelf of the stand.
Stability exercise balls
The library has also added six new no-burst stability exercise balls of varying sizes for student use. Three are available on the ground floor, and three in the basement. Students may use the balls anywhere in the library as seating or for stretching, but may not remove them from the library itself. We do ask that you do not re-enact the rolling boulder scene from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark to roll them at people without consent.
Staff plan to inventory them once daily to make sure they still exist and to replace them in their stands on each floor, but otherwise, they will go where they go. Thus far, the new balls have been very popular and have traveled into and out of every room in the library. If you would like to use one and do not see one in its usual place, feel free to walk around and take one so long as someone else is not using it.
Anatomical models: the female skeleton
The library has received a new female skeleton for anatomical self-study, purchased with funding from a grant received last year. It and other new models are located in ground floor open space and are available for all to use, but cannot be removed from the library. New skull models, a new very large eyeball model, and others are on reserve status and are available to borrow in-house from the circulation desk.
Room designations: meditation & wellness room, military & veteran’s meeting room
The new spirituality/meditation and military/veterans rooms are located at A.T. Still Memorial Library in the basement of Connell Information Technology Center.
The spirituality/meditation room will be available during all hours that the library is open. The spirituality/meditation room is open to students, faculty, administrators, and staff. It contains prayer mats, a television, a bench to remove your shoes and a place to store them, chairs, lamps, pictures on the walls, and an artificial tree.
The military/veterans room has U.S. and Missouri flags as well as flags representing each branch of the military. It has a television and other memorabilia on the walls. This room is designated for ATSU military use. The room will be available for service after the furniture arrives.
by Susan Swogger, MLIS, distance support librarian, liaison librarian to ATSU-CGHS & ATSU-MOSDOH and Jean Sidwell, MLIS, director of the Missouri branch library, liaison librarian to ATSU-KCOM