Museum staff honored abroad
Posted: June 4, 2013
A.T. Still University’s Museum of Osteopathic MedicineSM Curator Debra Loguda-Summers and Director Jason Haxton were inducted into the honorary status of “The Compagnons” by the Collége d’ Études Osteopathiques in Quebec, Montreal.
In English, “The Companions” represents the highest honor of the Montreal osteopathic school. Well-known past recipients in the osteopathic profession include Viola Frymann, DO; Karen Steele, DO; Clive Standen, DO (UK); Michael Patterson, PhD, DO (HON); Renzo Molinari, DO (GB); and founder of the first Canadian Osteopathic College, Philippe Druelle, DO (Qc).
Loguda-Summers, with the support of Haxton, has been working with Montreal base Collège d’ Études Ostéopthiques students since 2001. For the past 12 and a half years, several hundred students have requested historical information from the Museum and International Center for Osteopathic History (ICOH) collection for their thesis work and research. On an average, Loguda-Summers works with each student for two years or more to complete their work to graduate. Along with helping students, she has also been involved with faculty in researchfor books and documentaries.
Haxton also takes out time to assist students and faculty with research – guiding these osteopathic professionals to the latest discoveries and research worthy topics found in the collection of newly acquired items at the Museum.
Loguda-Summers spends a large amount of her time at work and sometimes from home helping the students meet their deadlines. Together, she and Haxton seek out funding sources, hire and support staff members at the Museum’s ICOH in the digitization of osteopathic journals, books, manuscripts, and records to be placed online. Although this is time consuming – the end results permits alumni, students, and researchers in the USA and around the world to have easier access to our unique osteopathic collection.
“It was a great honor and I am humbled to be included with such a distinguished group of DO’s, and other laypersons who love the history of osteopathy,” said Loguda-Summers.
Haxton agreed, “It was completely unexpected when the recognition was announced at the graduation banquet and degree granting ceremony. But, judging from the applause received – it was definitely no accident! Through our Compagnon membership, Debra and I look forward to our continued work to support and spread the good work of osteopathic healthcare to all countries.”