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Museum of Osteopathic Medicine to participate in Heritage Preservation’s Conservation Assessment Program

KIRKSVILLE, MO. – Heritage Preservation is pleased to announce the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine has been chosen to participate in the 2011 Conservation Assessment Program (CAP). The Museum of Osteopathic Medicine joins 2,600 museums that have participated in CAP in its 21-year history of serving small museums. Heritage preservation’s CAP is supported through a cooperative agreement with the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (ILMS). CAP assists museums by providing funds for professional conservation and preservations specialists to identify the conservation needs of their collections and recommends ways to correctly improve collections conditions. Heritage Preservation President Lawrence L. Reger praised the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine for “making the vital work of caring for its collections a priority of their institution, even in these challenging financial times, and helping ensure that they are available to present and future generations.” CAP provides a general conservation assessment of the museum’s collections. A professional conservator will spend two days surveying the site before preparing a comprehensive report identifying conservation priorities. The onsite consultation will enable the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine to evaluate its current collections’ care policies, procedures, and environmental conditions. The assessment report will help the museum make appropriate improvements for the immediate, mid-range, and long-range care of its collections. “The museum has worked toward this professional review for almost 14 years since its last evaluation and is confident that the work accomplished will be evident in the new CAP report,” said Museum Director Jason Haxton. Heritage Preservation is a national non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of the United States. By identifying risks, developing innovative programs, and providing broad public access to expert advice, Heritage Preservation assists museums, libraries, archives, historic preservation and other organizations, as well as individuals, in caring for our endangered heritage. [read more]


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