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Missouri employees recognized

Maag with Craig Phelps, DO, ATSU president, and family members

Faculty and staff on the Kirksville, Missouri campus were honored on May 8, 2014 at the annual A.T. Still University (ATSU) Employee Recognition Ceremony. Employees were recognized for years of service ranging from five to 35 years.

Roy Turner, technician, Jennifer Magruder, project coordinator, Kelly Rogers, image specialist, and Corey Sanford, production specialist, were recognized as the 2013 Quarterly Excellence Award recipients.

Dean Maag, manager, academic technologies, was presented the Annual Distinguished Service Award.

Keith Elmslie, PhD, professor, pharmacology, and Wesley Ryle, MD, assistant professor, family medicine, preventive medicine, and community health, received the Annual A.T. Still Staff Award for Excellence in Teaching.

The Annual ATSU-Kirksvillle College of Osteopathic Medicine Researcher of the Year Award went to Dr. Elmslie and Kevin Marberry, MD, chair, surgery.


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