Missouri campus SGA announces annual awards
Posted: April 16, 2018
The Missouri campus Student Government Association (SGA) held its annual awards ceremony on Friday, April 6, 2018. The student-driven award ceremony highlights exceptional students and faculty from the past year.
“The ceremony is to celebrate the outstanding students and staff at A.T. Still University (ATSU) and show our appreciation for everything that they do,” said Emily Gudenkauf, OMS II, SGA secretary.
This year’s award recipients are as follows:
- Student of the Year
- ATSU-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (ATSU-KCOM) – Jassar Khairallah, OMS IV
- ATSU-Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-MOSDOH) – Rachel Parker, D2
- ATSU-KCOM Max Gutensohn, DO, Outstanding Teaching Award
- Class of 2021 awarded – Neal Chamberlain, PhD
- Class of 2020 awarded – Tatyana Kondrashova, PhD
- ATSU-MOSDOH Outstanding Teaching Award
- Class of 2021 awarded – David Brzezinski, MD
- Class of 2020 awarded – Ammar Musawi, BDS, MDS
- Snyder-Crummy Anatomy Award
- Klay Miller, OMS II
- Gerald J. Tritz Microbiology Award
- Kara Rognrud, OMS II
- Biomedical Researcher of the Year
- Thomas Jackson, biomedical Sciences Student
- Jason and Lori Haxton Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
- Rachel Parker, D2
- SGA Student Leadership Awards
- Timbre Backen, OMS II
- Jason Ross, OMS II
- Jenna Gassman, OMS II
- Claire Nguyen, D2