Mesa parks and recreation 2019 update
Posted: June 7, 2019
A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) Athletic Training program and the Athletic Training Student Association (ATSA) has worked with Mesa parks and recreation and their Positive Play initiatives since 2013, and we were able to continue this partnership again during 2018-19. Students from ATSA, along with post-doctoral fellow, Haley Root, PhD, MPH, ATC, provided education and training to coaches, parents, and athletes participating in the Mesa parks fall and spring sports. ATSA members provide educational presentations and training for coaches before the start of each sports season, teaching them about proper warm up and stretching, basic injury prevention and treatments, and concussions. ATSA members also work at informational tables during some of the events, promoting safe participation in sports through education of parents and athletes.
This year, Dr. Root and the ATSU Athletic Training program received a grant from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Diversity Advisory Committee to produce several educational videos for Mesa parks coaches. Coaches were asked what topics they are most interested in discussing at the educational sessions. Based on this on-going partnership, four common topics were chosen: concussion, heat and hydration, long-term athlete development, and training preparation for sport. Educational videos were developed in English and then translated into Spanish. ATSA students assisted this effort by co-starring in the videos with our youth athletes.