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From the president: Milestones in the making

2022 marked not only the 130th anniversary of ATSU, but it also marked many other milestone achievements. A.T. Still Memorial Library celebrated its 100th anniversary. The Museum of Osteopathic Medicine was awarded accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums. The Higher Learning Commission approved the University’s request for a third campus and new college in Santa Maria, California. Academic programs continue to earn accreditation, including ATSU-ASHS’ new Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program.

This is an exciting time for ATSU, but it is important to remember the hard work, research, and planning that goes into making each of these moments happen. For more than 130 years, ATSU has been innovating and pushing boundaries to improve healthcare education and community health. Today, our curricula and technology are more advanced than ever.

On the following pages, we celebrate ATSU’s anniversary through Founder’s Day activities and highlighting our seven schools, particularly some of the most innovative aspects of our academic programs. Because of the hard work and dedication of deans, faculty, and staff, our students will be well prepared to serve and lead their chosen professions.

In addition, we thank ATSU’s many donors and friends who continue to provide support for our amazing students and programs. We also thank our board members, including Gary M. Wiltz, MD, and Paulina Vázquez Morris, JD, MBA, MHSA, for their guidance and contributions in advancing the University’s mission. It is an honor to be part of an institution wholly committed to student success and community wellness.

Yours in service,

Craig M. Phelps, DO, ’84, president


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