From the Library Director
Posted: February 3, 2025
A message from our University Library Director, Hal Bright:
I am proud to share that the A.T. Still Memorial Library has been named a recipient of the 2025 Library Excellence in Access and Diversity (LEAD) Award. This marks A.T. Still Memorial Library’s second consecutive year receiving the honor. The library was honored for developing diverse collections, promoting open-source publications, designing and implementing equitable programming, and engaging with ATSU’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion, student organizations, University diversity initiatives, and committees. I am continually amazed by the work of our staff to further the mission of the library and they are so deserving of this honor.
Looking forward into 2025, the library will be engaging with faculty and staff with programming during Love Data week, our annual Faculty Appreciation receptions in March and April, and National Library Week in April. Love Data Week will feature a workshop entitled Using Open Refine to Clean Up Your Data on February 12, 2025, from 12-1 p.m. in the Palm room on the Mesa campus (Zoom available) as well as several informative data management tips.
Save the date for our Faculty Appreciation Receptions in Mesa on April 2 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., in Kirksville on April 15 from 9:30-11 a.m., and in St. Louis on April 18 from 9:30-11 a.m. We honor our faculty’s accomplishments during this celebration and are pleased to offer remote faculty a way to participate this year as well, stay tuned.
Finally, we are collaborating with ITS to present a series of Show and Share Zoom events featuring AI use cases across the University. These will cover AI in Teaching, Using AI in Work Tasks, and AI in Research from March to May. We have created a LibGuide on AI and a team of librarians is working on a scoping review of how health science libraries are using AI technologies in their work of supporting instruction and research across our profession.
As always, reach out to me if you have any needs or questions.
Hal Bright
University Library Director