For students with high expectations, ATSU-ASHS Doctor of Occupational Therapy program hits mark
Posted: December 3, 2024
Samantha FitzSimmons knows a thing or two about higher education. She received her bachelor’s degree in exercise science from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, in 2022, and then in early 2024 completed her Master of Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Science degree at North Dakota State University.
So when looking for a place to pursue her Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degree, FitzSimmons had high expectations. A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Health Sciences (ATSU-ASHS) cleared the bar.
“I chose ATSU for several reasons. As this is my third degree, I wanted to find a school that would truly prepare me to be the best occupational therapist I can be,” she said. “It was crucial for me to find a place that felt like a home away from home, and ATSU provided just that. The ATSU Department of Occupational Therapy has wonderful staff, hands-on classes, and exciting fieldwork opportunities that I am excited to participate in.”
FitzSimmons serves as a student ambassador, her way of becoming more involved in the school and helping to inspire and encourage future students.
“I am very grateful for this position. I love sharing my experiences, insights, and advice whenever I can. Moving across the country to be here at ATSU was a huge leap of faith, and it has been an incredible growing experience. As an ambassador, it has been immensely rewarding to impact future students and be a reliable source of advice and support,” she said.
FitzSimmons believes as an occupational therapist, she may enhance her clients’ daily lives by identifying challenges and implementing strategies to overcome and adapt to them. The OT profession blends her passion for helping others with her interests in exercise, nutrition, and healthcare.
“ATSU is providing me with all the tools I need to succeed in my future career. Having just completed my first block, I can confidently say that the staff have been incredibly resourceful. My classes are both informative and hands-on, providing a comprehensive learning experience. With each passing day, I feel one step closer to my future, and I believe ATSU is setting me up perfectly for that,” she said.
FitzSimmons keeps busy out of the classroom, too. She enjoys paddle boarding, hiking, swimming, sand volleyball, and going to the gym. She’s enjoying getting to know the game of pickleball, too, in Arizona’s warmer climate.
“Coming from the Midwest, where we get a lot of snow, I was ready for more sunshine,” she said. “I love the outdoors, and Arizona has been perfect for exploring and enjoying the beautiful weather.”
She also leans into her creative side, listening to music, painting, and drawing, but most enjoys her time spent with family and friends.
“I wouldn’t be the person I am today without them. They are my rocks,” she said.