Fall 2018 library publications, presentations, awards, and other professional activity
Posted: November 20, 2018
Library staff have been productive in professional activities since the last edition of this newsletter.
Recent publications
Swogger, S. E. “Collecting to the Core—Osteopathic Medicine.” Against the Grain, 30, no. 4 (September 2018): 48-49.
Recent conference presentations
Swogger, S. E., Loguda-Summers, D., Sidwell, J. (2018, October 11). 3D Printing in Research and Curriculum: One Year Later.” Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Missouri Library Association, Columbia, MO.
Matson, MC., Headman, Z.C., Schneider, R.P., Potter, J.L, Loguda-Summers, D.L., and Kondrashova, T. (2018, October 27). “Innovative Spine and Pelvic Models for the Joint Injection Techniques Training.” Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary BioMedical Research Symposium, Kirksville, MO.
Recent grant awards
Susan Swogger, MLIS, liaison librarian for ATSU-CGHS & ATSU-MOSDOH; and Debra Loguda-Summers, library public services & 3D print shop manager, Missouri campus, applied for and were awarded a $1,250 grant from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association Special Projects Fund, to be directed at upgrading the technology study room in the Missouri campus library with expanded analytical, accessibility, and creative hardware and software.
Recent patent applications
The University applied for a patent on behalf of Loguda-Summers of the Missouri campus library and A.T. Still University’s Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine students Marcus Matson, DO, ’20; and Zachary Headman, DO, ’20; and Jamie Caroll, academic technology; for the results of their SparkTank grant project. This exciting and innovative project involves the use of 3D-printed models encased in ballistics gel for use in teaching and practicing injections, among other things.
Other professional recognitions & accomplishments
Hal Bright, Arizona campus library directory & electronic resources librarian, was appointed to the National Programming Committee for the Medical Library Association’s 2020 conference, to be held in Portland, Oregon.
Swogger was re-appointed as Subject Editor for Health Sciences and Medicine for the American Library Association’s Resources for College Libraries, a tool used by libraries for book selection.
Adrienne Brodie, MLS, liaison librarian for ATSU-ASHS & ATSU-SOMA, acted as host and coordinator on behalf of Central Arizona Biomedical Libraries for the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Are You Ready? continuing education course on Sept. 24, 2018. This course was taught by Kay Deeney, MLS, AHIP, and focused on how to use and locate disaster and emergency preparedness information from the NLM.
by Susan E. Swogger, MLIS, liaison librarian for ATSU-CGHS & ATSU-MOSDOH