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Articulation agreement with Chaminade University expands potential for PT students

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The President and Associate Provost of Hawaii’s Chaminade University visited ATSU’s Arizona campus Dec. 2 to tour campus and sign an articulation agreement that will offer a point of informational access to Chaminade students interested in the ATSU-ASHS Physical Therapy program. Brother Bernard Ploeger, SM, PhD, Chaminade University president, and Patricia Lee-Robinson, Chaminade University associate provost, met with ATSU-ASHS Dean Barbara Maxwell, PT, DPT ’06, MSc, Cert. THE, and ATSU-ASHS Physical Therapy Chair Ann Lee Burch, EdD, MPH, PT, to tour campus and sign an articulation agreement. Chaminade has a large native Hawaiian population, many of whom are interested in pursuing doctor of physical therapy degrees. Chaminade University is also a member of the leadership alliance, an academic consortium of higher learning institutions including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, and Stanford. “The signed articulation represents our dedication as a program, school, and University to diversity and access to graduate health education for underrepresented groups,” said Dr. Burch. “By partnering with universities such as Chaminade we demonstrate the importance of recognizing potential and capacity for achieving goals to become doctors of physical therapy for striving students from diverse backgrounds.”


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