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Becker’s Hospital Review recognizes ATSU-CGHS DHSc alumnus

A.T. Still University-College of Graduate Health Studies (ATSU-CGHS) Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc) program alumnus Vasco Deon Kidd, DHSc, MPH, MS, PA-C, ’11, has been named one of 2024’s Black healthcare leaders to know by Becker’s Hospital Review

The annual Black Leaders in Healthcare to Know list recognizes individuals who are making an impact in healthcare by shaping the patient experience, educating and training the next generation of healthcare providers, and furthering equity and inclusion.

Currently, Dr. Kidd works as an associate clinical professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), School of Medicine, and as the director of the Advanced Practice Providers program at UCI Health. 

He is a member of the California Academy of Physician Assistants, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, American College of Healthcare Executives, and the Advanced Practice Provider Executives. Dr. Kidd also serves as the vice president of the California Physician Assistant Board.


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