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Center for the Future of the Health Professions March 2025

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions, dedicated to providing policymakers and healthcare stakeholders with comprehensive data for effective planning, presents our third op-ed column for 2025, “Charles Darwin and A.T. Still, DO: An osteopathic approach to evolution and a new paradigm of science” by James F. Keane, DO. The paper presents an interesting synthesis of evolutionary theory and osteopathic philosophy.

The paper attempts to merge Dr. Still’s concepts about “life as matter in motion” with our understanding of genetics and evolution. The advancement of scientific understanding often occurs at the intersection of seemingly disparate fields, where established frameworks encounter novel perspectives. This paper explores the unique synthesis of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory and Dr. Still’s osteopathic philosophy – two paradigm-shifting approaches developed in the late 19th century. While Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection revolutionized our understanding of biological diversity and adaptation, Dr. Still’s osteopathic principles provided insights into the relationship between structure and function in living organisms. By examining the conceptual parallels between these frameworks through a modern scientific lens, we can develop a more comprehensive understanding of life processes from the molecular to the systemic level. This integration offers theoretical coherence and practical implications for future research in genetics, evolutionary biology, and therapeutic approaches. As we navigate the ever-expanding frontier of biological sciences, this unified perspective may contribute to a new paradigm that transcends traditional materialistic views and encompasses the full complexity of living systems.

Our guest author, Dr. Keane, is a board-certified internist and holistic medicine physician who regularly practices osteopathic manipulative medicine as the medical director of ATSU’s Osteopathic Medicine Center. After practicing in several Arizona-based clinics, both in- and outpatient, Dr. Keane joined A.T. Still University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona’s faculty full-time in 2018. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Keane has spent the last 25 years in Arizona.

Dr. Keane received a master’s degree in higher education from Arizona State University (ASU). Following his time at ASU, he served as an analyst at the Arizona State Senate and briefly as a lobbyist for Arizona’s cities and towns. After studying health and wellness informally for years, Dr. Keane left public policy to attend Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona, and completed his internal medicine residency in Sierra Vista, Arizona.

For fun, Dr. Keane enjoys spending time with friends and family, hiking, cooking, meditating, and other hobbies.

Contributing authors to this article are Drs. Randy Danielsen, Mai-Ly Duong, Len Goldstein, and Marisa Hastie. Amanda Weaver also contributed to the article.

We welcome your feedback and comments on this month’s digest at

Randy Danielsen, PhD., DHL(h), PA-C Emeritus, DFAAPA

Professor & Director

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions

A.T. Still University

James F. Keane, DO

Charles Darwin and A.T. Still, DO: An osteopathic approach to evolution and a new paradigm of science

Introduction – Paradigm shifts in science

The insights of truly original visionaries generate new paradigms of human thought and awareness of reality. For instance, Nicolaus Copernicus’ observations that Earth revolved around the Sun led away from the concept that humans and the Earth were the center of the universe, thus ending the anthropocentric paradigm. While the idea that Earth is a round sphere existed since ancient Greece with Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Galileo’s observations provided empirical and reproducible support for humans living on a spherical planet orbiting the Sun. Sir Isaac Newton’s findings began a new paradigm of understanding that the solar system and Universe were subject to non-material forces such as gravity, invisible to the eye but recognizable by the movement generated in objects. More recently, Charles Darwin began a new paradigm in the biological or life sciences by describing heritable physical traits that evolved or changed over time and which influenced survival, otherwise known as natural selection. Just as Galileo and Newton supported Copernicus’ theories, so did Gregor Mendel and James Watson; Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin also supported and expanded upon Darwin’s theory of evolution. 

Since the split between church and science in Europe hundreds of years ago, science has focused on material objects composed of matter and atoms. At the time, to overcome beliefs that did not accurately portray reality, science considered matter the only “real” thing. In a sense, science created a “materialistic” or “physical” paradigm that focused on atoms and relegated anything non-material as not being real and belonging more to the areas of religion, spirituality, and mysticism than science. However, recent astronomical observations suggest that only five percent of the energy released by the Big Bang became atoms and matter. Could some of the 95% of what is in the Universe, which is not matter, be involved in life forms?

About 10 years after Mendel presented his findings on pea plant experiments, an American physician and philosopher, Andrew Taylor Still, DO, experienced insight regarding organisms’ material and non-material components. Dr. Still related that “life” put matter, or atoms, from the Earth’s environment in motion to form an organism’s body. Also, Dr. Still realized atoms do not change when aggregated to form an organism’s body, but rather the health or function of an organism depends on if the atoms forming its body are aggregated in a functional structure. As the body is an aggregation of inert matter incapable of forming consciousness, Dr. Still proposed the concepts of “spirit” and “mind” as non-material components of a human being. In a sense, Dr. Still’s insights led to a new paradigm of biological sciences that focuses not only on the matter forming an organism’s body but also on what within life forms may not be material and may not be made of atoms. By applying the concepts described in osteopathic philosophy as described by Dr. Still to the field of genetics and microbiology, a novel conceptualization of existing knowledge can occur.

Darwin, evolution, and modern genetics

In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species,” where he described the process of evolution through natural selection. Under natural selection, organisms that have developed a new anatomical or physiological feature, which can be passed on to subsequent generations and provides an advantage over other organisms, are more likely to survive and reproduce. Through this process based on ongoing physical changes of organisms, simple life forms such as a bacterium can evolve into multicellular organisms of almost unlimited shapes and functions. Darwin wrote, “From so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved.”1 However, much about evolution’s process remains to be explored.

In 1865, Mendel outlined the principles of genetics regarding inheritable traits that could influence natural selection, which are passed from generation to generation of organisms, through his study of the common pea plant.2 Other insights into inheritance continued to be developed until 1953, when a major breakthrough occurred. Watson and Crick (as well as Franklin) discovered that DNA was a double helix of aggregated nucleotides, thus providing the mechanism for genetics, mutations, and evolution.3 DNA is a molecule that aggregates atoms with information encoded into its structure. When translation and transcription processes occur, the information within the DNA’s structure is used to aggregate another molecule from other atoms, usually a protein or a messenger RNA (mRNA) fragment that forms part of an organism’s body. 

Mutations that alter an organism’s body and influence natural selection involve changes in the structure of its DNA, which can occur in various ways and lead to modifications in the structure and function of the molecules that form the organism’s body. If the new molecule arising from a DNA mutation improves the organism’s chances of survival within natural selection, a new organism has evolved. Evolution is the process of aggregating the same atomic building blocks into new structures that have new functions within organisms’ bodies. 

Dr. Still and osteopathic philosophy

In the late 1860s to early 1870s, following a great personal tragedy, and after much exploration and introspection, Dr. Still experienced a new, radical insight into life, health, pathology, and healing. Dr. Still named this new insight “osteopathic philosophy,” or simply “osteopathy.” With the successful integration of these concepts into clinical practice, on June 22nd, 1874, Dr. Still went public with his insights and “… flung to the breeze the banner of Osteopathy.”4 Almost twenty years later, in 1892, Dr. Still founded the American School of Osteopathy (ASO), known today as A.T. Still University, to train students in the application of osteopathic philosophy in medicine. Even more fundamentally, the ASO was formed to share Dr. Still’s understanding of osteopathy with the broader world. 

To describe his insight into osteopathic philosophy, Dr. Still wrote that “… life is matter in motion, “4 and,

When all parts of the human body are in line, we have health. When they are not, the effect is disease. When the parts are readjusted, disease gives way to health. The work of the osteopath is to adjust the body from abnormal to normal, then the abnormal conditions give way to normal, and health is the result of the normal condition.5

Translating Dr. Stills writing into modern terminology

“Life is matter in motion” could be translated into modern scientific language as “life’s homeostatic processes exert a force on inert atoms and molecules within Earth’s environment to put them in motion to assemble or aggregate an organism.” 

“Matter” can be substituted with “atoms,” leading to “… life is atoms in motion.” Per the laws of physics, atoms do not move by themselves; they are inert and only move as the result of an external force, leading to “… life expresses a force on atoms to put them in motion.” As organisms’ bodies do not create matter but are made up of atoms absorbed from the Earth’s environment, the quote can be further translated: “… life expresses a force on environmental atoms to put them in motion to aggregate an organism’s body.” When an organism dies, the force of life is no longer present and the atoms aggregated to form an organism’s body lose aggregated structure, fall apart, and return to the environment. Throughout an organism’s life span, the matter of which its body is composed does not change, is neither created nor destroyed, but put into motion by the force of life to serve as building blocks of an organism’s body.

 That all organisms are made up of atoms is widely accepted, but science has missed the broader picture that this understanding offers. Organisms do not make or alter the atoms that form their bodies or their DNA; instead, all homeostatic processes in life forms exert a force on environmental matter to assemble and maintain their body. Atoms within an organism come from and are the same as similar atoms in the environment. In other words, atoms that form DNA do not become “alive” and are billions of years old. An atom of carbon is the same whether within the molecular structure of carbon dioxide circulating in the atmosphere, the molecular structure of a diamond, or the molecular structure of DNA in a living human being. In a sense, atoms are building blocks that make up an organism’s body, like toy blocks that are brought together to make a larger structure. Unique molecular structures that are formed through life’s homeostatic processes and the process of evolution are the only differences that organic matter has from inorganic matter. 

A translation of the second Dr. Still quotation from Research and Practice could read, “When the aggregated atoms forming an organism’s body are maintained in a functional structure by life’s homeostatic processes, the organism is fully functional, or healthy; when the organism’s aggregated atoms are not maintained in a functional structure, a loss of function occurs and the organism is ill or suffering from pathology; and healing results when the aggregated atoms forming the organism’s body have been restored to a functional structure leading to a return of normal function, or health.” The “parts of the human body” that must be “in line” to have health are the inert atoms that have been aggregated by life to form the body. If those atoms have been aggregated into a functional structure to form the body from the molecular to the gross anatomical level, the body will usually work, which is healthy. If the atoms aggregated to form the body are not “in line” and are not aggregated in a functional structure, the result is loss of function or pathology. When the atoms that have been aggregated together to form a body have been restored from a dysfunctional to a functional structure, when they have been put back “in line,” the result is a return of function or healing. All forms of diagnosis evaluate the aggregated material structure of the body, and all forms of healing restore functional aggregated structure to the atoms forming the body.

As described by Dr. Still, osteopathic philosophy can be fully applied to the DNA within organisms, which is made up of billion-year-old atoms from the Earth’s environment that have been temporarily aggregated together in a specific structure with a specific function. A simplification of the metacognitive process supported by osteopathic philosophy applied to DNA and the process of evolution could be expressed as:

  • Life: How are atoms aggregated to form DNA and encode specific information? What embryological and homeostatic processes are involved?
  • Health: How is the normal aggregated structure of DNA related to its normal function?
  • Pathology: How can losses of function be linked to a loss of aggregated material structure, and vice versa? How can the structure and function of DNA be evaluated to identify morbidity or the absence of normal structure and function? Has an external force disrupted aggregated structure within the body (i.e., a cosmic ray striking DNA)? Could a loss of structure be related to disrupted homeostasis (i.e., a problem with accurate DNA synthesis due to a B12 deficiency)?
  • Disease: How can the functional aggregated structure of DNA be restored?

Integrating evolution and osteopathic philosophy

As described by Dr. Still, osteopathic philosophy does not create information or new facts, unlike the work of Mendel or Franklin. Instead, osteopathic philosophy is an inductive framework in which existing knowledge and existing facts can be arranged. Inductively grouping information does not create new information but instead allows a greater perception of those facts, leading to the creative formation of new theories that can be used to identify more knowledge or make predictions in new situations.6 In this sense, while first described in the late 1800s by Dr. Still, osteopathic philosophy can assist the exploration and discovery within genetics and molecular biology. 

Life: Matter put in motion to form an organism’s body, including DNA

Dr. Still’s concept that life moves matter to make a body can be applied to genetics and evolution by realizing DNA is formed of inert matter from Earth’s environment. In a sense, DNA synthesis results from putting matter or atoms in motion to form molecular building blocks arranged in specific structures containing information. DNA is made up of nucleotides, molecular building blocks comprising four constituent bases: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. Just as every other part of an organism’s body, nucleotides and their bases are aggregations of atoms from Earth’s environment, the structures of which differ by a small number of atoms.7 The atoms forming DNA and all other body parts came from Earth’s environment, where they have been and will continue to be for billions of years. Atoms do not change when aggregated into DNA or any other body part; they remain inert the entire time.

Working backward, following the trail of how atoms are aggregated into a molecular structure that holds information (e.g., DNA), which is used to aggregate other atoms into other molecular forms, such as proteins and mRNA, which are used to form an organism’s body, several insights emerge. 

In a sense, DNA directs the formation of the cells and systems (themselves aggregations of matter) that assemble other atoms obtained from the environment to form other parts of the body. All these structures primarily comprise the same atoms, such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. For example, DNA produces molecules that form osteoblasts, the cells that build bone. Once formed, osteoblasts work with other atoms, such as calcium, that are absorbed from the environment to aggregate bone.8

DNA synthesis or replication must assemble a structurally intact copy of the original strand of DNA to preserve the information contained within on which the formation of the organism’s body is based.9 DNA formation or synthesis occurs when an existing strand is copied through the activity of multiple enzymes, most notably DNA polymerase. Interestingly, DNA polymerase is a protein produced by transcribing and translating DNA. DNA has instructions for copying itself, which another enzyme must read. Also produced from DNA is RNA polymerase, which will produce DNA polymerase to begin making copies of DNA. Currently, the origins of how atoms aggregate together to form the RNA polymerase enzyme, or the DNA sequence containing the gene for that enzyme, are unclear. However, they are the center of much research.10

Current scientific theories suggest that random changes in the molecular structure of matter led to the formation of RNA, or an RNA-precursor molecule, that then led to DNA formation. Essentially, random forces on Earth moved atoms to eventually produce a molecule with a capability that exceeded the atoms of which it was aggregated in that it could make copies of itself. To make copies of itself, the molecule had to exert a force on other atoms in the environment and perform work to change their molecular structure.11

As described by Dr. Still, osteopathic philosophy suggests another possible mechanism for forming the first molecules used to aggregate an organism’s body. He wrote that “… life is matter in motion.” Perhaps “life” is distinct from the matter it puts into motion. In other words, “life” exists but is not material or made of atoms. While this notion sounds far-fetched, almost religious or spiritual, current science supports that something not made of atoms may be involved in aggregating atoms that form an organism’s body. Recent data from astrophysics suggests that of all the energy released during the Big Bang, the beginning of our Universe, approximately 5% became atoms, became matter.12 In other words, 95% of what exists in the Universe is non-material, not made up of atoms. This part of the Universe is referred to as “dark matter,” but a more specific description would be “not-atoms.” The tenets of osteopathic medicine state, “The body is a unit; the person is a unit of body, mind, and spirit.”13 As described in detail by science, the body is an aggregation of atoms of matter within the Earth’s environment. “Spirit” or “life” then may refer to any forces within an organism that are not material and are not generated by atoms, but that move matter and may be of the 95% of the Big Bang’s energy that did not become atoms. 

Anthropocentrism, or the belief that humans are the most important entities in the universe, led to human-centric theories that placed Earth at the center of the universe—a notion later disproven by Copernicus and Galileo.14 Perhaps our current paradigm of biological sciences could be described as “material-centric,” based on the concept that matter is the center of the Universe. Dr. Still’s insights suggest that something other than matter puts matter into motion to produce an organism’s body and may lead biological sciences to expand the focus of study beyond matter, beyond atoms. By moving beyond a material-centric universe and integrating the 95% of reality that is not matter, biological sciences may open a new paradigm of describing non-material components of organisms.

Health: Normal function due to normal structure

DNA’s function is based on its structure, which contains information used to assemble or aggregate atoms into proteins and other molecules, such as mRNA, that form an organism’s body. Proteins are formed by a two-step process: transcription and translation. The transcription process involves multiple enzymes reading a section of DNA and producing mRNA by aggregating atoms within a specific structure. Transcription is followed by translation, where ribosomes read the mRNA’s molecular structure to assemble proteins by aggregating amino acids, molecules formed of atoms of matter.15 These proteins are used to form an organism’s body, and each has specific functions.

Current methods to evaluate DNA’s function ultimately evaluate DNA’s aggregated structure. “High-resolution molecular cytogenetic analysis can now detect deletions or duplications of DNA of a few hundred thousand nucleotides,” which really is an evaluation of DNA structure, determining if the atoms have been aggregated in a specific structure.16   Dr. Still’s observation that “… when the body is in line, the result is health” accurately applies to DNA.

Pathology: Loss of function due to loss of structure

DNA loses function when its aggregated structure is lost when it suffers structural damage, almost like a fractured bone. Damage to DNA’s structure can occur in various ways: ionizing radiation (IR), reactive oxygen species (ROS), cosmic rays, errors in DNA replication, micronutrient deficiencies, and others. Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are composed of high-energy particles that can collide with and damage the structure of DNA. “When IR hits the DNA molecule, single-strand breaks (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs) arise.”17 Deficiencies in vitamins such as B12, B6, C, E, folate, or niacin can lead to similar SSBs or DSBs, a widespread public health concern. Up to 20% of the population may have such deficiencies. “A level of folate deficiency causing chromosome breaks occurred in approximately 10% of the population in the United States, and in a much higher percentage of the poor.”18

When the structure of a coding section of DNA is damaged, the information that guides transcription and translation in aggregating a protein is also damaged. Damaged DNA produces end products, such as proteins, that are not structured typically. As a result, those proteins will not function correctly, leading to a loss of function or disease within the organism.19 

As described by Dr. Still, osteopathic philosophy still supports this concept, suggesting that when DNA is not “in line” and is not aggregated within a functional structure, it no longer functions normally; it is diseased.

Healing: Putting DNA back “in line”

Damage to the structure of a DNA molecule is repaired through the activity of several enzymes, including DNA polymerase. Healing DNA involves restoring the original structure of the molecule so that it usually produces structured and functional proteins when transcribed and translated.20 

Multiple pathways for DNA repair exist. An example is mammalian O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). MGMT works by absorbing damaged molecular components from the DNA to reverse structural damage.21 As vitamin B12 deficiency can result in structural damage to DNA, providing vitamin B12 can result in DNA structural repair. Beyond antioxidant properties that protect DNA from ROS, the resolution of a B12 deficiency restores the function of enzymes such as methionine synthase and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, reducing genetic instability.22

While the science behind restoring the structure of DNA is still in its infancy, for instance, the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing,23 Dr. Still’s guidance accurately describes future research efforts as ways to put DNA back “in line.”

Evolution: A loss of DNA structure leading to a new molecule with a new function

Mutations result from a loss of structure in the organism’s DNA, which is not fully restored or healed.24 While most mutations have little effect on an organism’s health and ability to function normally, some involve a loss of function, such as those found in sickle cell anemia.25 However, if the structural damage to DNA results in the transcription and translation of a new protein with a new function or a gain of function, an organism may improve its ability to survive the process of natural selection.26  In this sense, evolution is a loss of structure in DNA that does not result in a loss of function but, instead, a gain of function based on the aggregation of a novel protein, a new structure of matter. To paraphrase Dr. Still, evolution is the process of life putting matter in line in a new way with a new function.

Osteopathic philosophy points to a future where humans can aggregate new DNA molecules, producing new proteins or other molecules with potentially new functions in organisms. In a sense, science can speed up the process of evolution without waiting for random mutations to occur. Such a concept is supported by recent advances in computer software to predict protein structures from sequences of amino acids.27 


Mutations in DNA lead to novel structures of matter within organisms’ bodies, new proteins, and other molecules, potentially with new functions. An organism that develops a new structure of matter with a new function, in a sense, has become a new species; it is no longer the organism it once was. The evolutionary process of natural selection is based on the interaction between organisms with these newly evolved molecules and the new advantages (or disadvantages) they bring to the organism within its environment. Based on natural selection, organisms with mutated, more functional structures of matter that form their bodies can better survive and reproduce. Evolution, as first described by Darwin and expanded upon by later scientists, is the progression of this process based on new molecular structures resulting from mutations in DNA that have new functions.

Dr. Still’s insight, which he labeled “osteopathic philosophy,” does not create new facts. Instead, osteopathy inductively groups facts together to form a new perspective from which new understandings and new creative theories can emerge. Applying osteopathy to genetics and microbiology will likely produce ongoing insights and discoveries.

Osteopathic philosophy can help organize the explosion of new information related to genetics, whether diagnosing new mutations or guiding gene therapy. Any genetic disorder results from DNA not being “in line,” and ideally, the treatment will be to put DNA back “in line.” Regardless of how much detail the expansion of scientific knowledge occurs, the organizing conceptual understanding provided by osteopathy remains accurate and applicable.

Osteopathy also points to new, creative approaches to genetics and molecular biology. By using an “osteopathic typewriter,” future scientists could assemble new genes by linking nucleotides together in a new way and then translating and transcribing those genes to see what new molecules are produced. While current technologies such as CRISPR are revolutionary, they depend on already-evolved genes. Future healing based on osteopathic principles may involve forming new genes to produce new molecules with new functions in life forms. Emerging technologies based on osteopathic philosophy will generate an accelerated rate of evolution, not guided by chance but by human experiment. They will create a critical need for appropriate ethical and moral guidelines.

Finally, applying osteopathic philosophy to genetics and microbiology may establish a new paradigm in biological sciences that addresses what is not made of matter within organisms.   Could the evolving material components within life forms allow consciousness greater interaction with the material plane, such as what happened with the sense of sight evolved? Just as with past paradigm shifts within science, this aspect of osteopathy, of Dr. Still’s insight, seems the most absurd but likely will bear the most fruit over time.


  1. Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London :John Murray, 1859.
  2. Mendel, G.  (1866). Versuche uber Pflanzen-Hybriden (Experiments on Plant Hybrids).
  3. Watson J and Crick F.  Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature 171, 737-738 (1953).
  4. Still AT. The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy. Kirksville, MO: Author, 1892. Then, Kansas City, MO: 1902. Reprinted, Kirksville, MO: Osteopathic Enterprises; 1986.
  5. Still AT. Osteopathy Research and Practice. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press; 1992. Originally published by the author; 1910.
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The Center for the Future of the Health Professions, dedicated to providing policymakers and healthcare stakeholders with comprehensive data for effective planning, presents its second op-ed column for 2025 focusing on the revolutionary journey of cochlear implants.

This comprehensive article explores cochlear implants technology. Hearing impairment affects over 1.5 billion people globally, with at least 700 million requiring hearing rehabilitation. Since their development in the mid-20th century, cochlear implants have emerged as a revolutionary solution for severe to profound hearing loss, evolving from a concept once dismissed as a “fool’s dream” to becoming one of modern medicine’s most successful neural prostheses. These sophisticated biomedical devices bypass damaged inner ear structures to directly stimulate the auditory nerve, enabling sound perception in ways conventional hearing aids cannot. With over 1 million successful implantations worldwide and expanding candidacy criteria, cochlear implants continue to transform lives despite persistent challenges in accessibility and healthcare coverage.

Our two guest authors are:

Soha Garadat, PhD, an associate professor of audiology and speech-language pathology at A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Health Sciences. She earned her master’s in clinical audiology and PhD in audiology/physiology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, followed by a NIH/NIDCD-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan’s Kresge Hearing Research Institute. Dr. Garadat’s research centers on optimizing cochlear implant outcomes and understanding performance variations. She serves on editorial boards for major audiology journals and the RNID Innovation Seed Fund review panel. As a former MED-EL consultant, she brings international expertise in cochlear implant research and clinical applications.

Shelley Baltodano, AuD, who serves as an assistant professor and clinical coordinator in audiology and speech-language pathology at A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Health Sciences. After earning degrees from the University of South Carolina and University of Alabama, she completed her doctor of audiology at ATSU-ASHS and fellowship at the House Ear Clinic. Her expertise spans auditory implants, neurofibromatosis type 2 treatment, and various clinical specialties. She brings extensive experience mentoring audiology students while maintaining a diverse clinical practice including newborn screening and educational audiology.

We welcome your feedback and comments on this month’s digest at

Randy Danielsen, PhD, DHL(h), PA-C Emeritus, DFAAPA

Professor and Director

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions

A.T. Still University

Soha Garadat, PhD
Shelley Baltodano, AuD

From skepticism to success: The revolutionary journey of cochlear implants 

Hearing impairment affects over 1.5 billion people globally, with projections indicating this number will surge to 2.5 billion by 2050. Among these individuals, at least 700 million will need hearing rehabilitation services, underscoring the critical importance of accessible interventions.1

Cochlear implants are advanced biomedical devices designed to restore hearing in individuals with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss who receive little to no benefit from conventional amplification. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sound, cochlear implants bypass damaged inner ear structures and directly stimulate the auditory nerve using precisely controlled electric pulses. This system consists of external and surgically implanted internal components. The external unit captures sound, encodes it, and transmits it to the internal implant via a radio frequency link. The implant converts these signals into electrical pulses that stimulate the auditory nerve, allowing the brain to perceive sound.

The evolution of cochlear implant technology

The development of cochlear implants began in the mid-20th century, with significant advancements in the 1980s and 1990s. Initially, early designs faced skepticism, as many prominent scientists questioned their ability to replicate the intricate biophysics of the inner ear and raised concerns about their long-term efficacy, dismissing the concept as a “fool’s dream.”

One skeptical remark captured the prevailing doubts: “I have the utmost admiration for the courage of those surgeons who have implanted humans. I will admit that we need a new operation in otology, but I am afraid this is not it.”

Despite these early doubts, the journey continued, driving design, functionality, and surgical technique advancements. These advancements have resulted in smaller, more sophisticated devices and remarkable outcomes, with some recipients achieving 100% accuracy on sentence recognition tests.2

These images illustrate the evolution of cochlear implants over time. The first image shows the bulky design of early implants, while the second displays the compact, discreet devices available today.

Image adapted from Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation (link)

Cochlear implants today: A standard of care

Cochlear implants are widely accepted and recognized as one of the most successful neural prostheses in modern medicine, becoming the standard of care for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss.3 As of July 2022, over 1 million devices have been successfully implanted worldwide. Approximately 118,100 adults and 65,000 children have received these life-changing prostheses in the United States.4

Expanding candidacy: Who can benefit?

Since the FDA first approved cochlear implants, candidacy criteria have continuously expanded – initially, only adults with profound deafness and no word recognition qualified. Over time, the criteria expanded to include adults with more residual hearing and up to 60% speech recognition. In 2019, the FDA approved cochlear implants for individuals five years of age and older with single-sided deafness or asymmetrical hearing loss, recognizing the importance of binaural hearing for speech perception and localization.In 2020, the minimum implantation age was lowered from 12 months to 9 months, reinforcing the importance of early intervention. Overall, these expanded criteria have allowed more children and adults to regain functional hearing and improve their quality of life. Additionally, implantation for unique etiologies has proven effective in restoring hearing when alternative treatments are unsatisfactory, further expanding the applications of cochlear implants. 5

Why early access to sound matters

Approximately 1 in 1,000 newborns in the U.S. is born with profound deafness, and another two to three in 1,000 babies are born with partial hearing loss, placing many children at risk for delayed auditory and language development. The first three years of life represent a critical period for speech and language acquisition, as the brain is most receptive to forming the neural connections essential for language development. Specific neural pathways in the auditory cortex become hard-wired with consistent auditory exposure. This critical period is time-sensitive; in the absence of sensory input, the organization of these pathways can be altered, increasing the risk of abnormal central maturation in children with hearing loss.6

Early intervention is important for improving speech and language outcomes and reducing long-term societal costs. Research indicates that early cochlear implantation leads to superior outcomes compared to hearing aids in children with congenital deafness. By minimizing language delays, early implantation supports age-appropriate speech and language development, reducing the need for speech therapy, hearing intervention, and long-term hearing services. The educational benefits are also substantial, with higher rates of mainstream school placements and less reliance on special education resources.7

Are cochlear implants as effective as they claim to be?

Absolutely! Cochlear implants have transformed the lives of thousands, enabling better communication and seamless integration into mainstream education and the workforce. Research shows cochlear implantation improves speech perception, workplace performance, and overall quality of life. Studies also show receiving a cochlear implant early, rather than waiting for complete deafness, minimizes the adverse effects of hearing loss and prevents communication difficulties that can lead to isolation and emotional distress. By enhancing communication and reducing social barriers, cochlear implants improve quality of life in ways far beyond hearing alone.8

Engineering and speech processing advances have improved cochlear implant sound quality, enabling more individuals to regain effective communication and greater independence. These implants are provided in different stimulation modalities: unilaterally (one ear), bimodally (used in combination with a hearing aid in the other ear), or bilaterally (both ears). Bilateral implantation offers several advantages, including improved sound quality, better speech perception in noise, reduced listening effort, and better sound localization. As awareness of cochlear implant benefits grows, more adults are seeking audiologists’ expertise to determine whether cochlear implantation could enhance their everyday communication.

Barriers to access in cochlear implantation

Despite their proven efficacy, cochlear implants remain underutilized due to several barriers.

Financial barriers and insurance coverage

One of the primary factors influencing access to cochlear implants is the financial burden associated with the procedure. A single device typically costs between $30,000 and $50,000.9 When factoring in surgery and rehabilitation, the total cost can reach up to $100,000, making these devices significantly more expensive than conventional hearing aids.10 This places considerable strain on individuals and public healthcare systems. Although expanded candidacy criteria have made cochlear implants accessible to more individuals with impairment, insurance limitations restrict access for many eligible candidates. Before 2022, Medicare limited coverage to individuals with 40% or lower sentence recognition scores, excluding many individuals who could have benefited.

Policy changes and expanded coverage

Advocacy efforts led by organizations such as the American Cochlear Implant Alliance and prominent researchers in the field resulted in a landmark policy change by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Citing strong clinical evidence, CMS issued a Decision Memorandum on September 26, 2022, expanding cochlear implantation coverage under National Coverage Determination (NCD) 50.3. With this update, Medicare now covers cochlear implantation for individuals with bilateral moderate-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss who receive limited benefit from amplification, defined as sentence recognition scores of ≤60%, which aligns with current candidacy criteria. This policy shift has significantly improved access to cochlear implants for older adults who previously did not qualify.

Geographical disparities and logistical challenges

Beyond financial barriers, geographic factors can pose additional challenges. Specialized implant centers are primarily located in urban areas, forcing individuals in underserved areas to travel long distances for evaluation, surgery, and follow-up care. The associated costs, time commitment, and logistical difficulties may discourage eligible candidates from pursuing implantation.

The role of telemedicine in expanding access

Telemedicine has emerged as a promising solution for overcoming geographical barriers. Remote programming for cochlear implants has advanced significantly, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, patients had to visit satellite clinics for remote programming. However, recent advancements in digital healthcare have allowed them to receive care from the comfort of their homes using smartphone applications and secure internet connections. This advancement has improved accessibility by reducing travel time, costs, and inconvenience while delivering care comparable to in-person visits. As telehealth services expand and gain broader insurance coverage, remote programming can further improve access to cochlear implant services, ensuring more individuals receive the care they need.

The evolving role of cochlear implant audiologists

Audiologists face increasing challenges in cochlear implant care, including a shortage of trained professionals and inadequate reimbursement. These challenges make it difficult to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding patient population.

Audiologists play a key role in cochlear implantation, from assessing candidacy and programming devices to offering lifelong support. In recent years, the expansion of candidacy criteria has increased the demand for audiologists with expertise in implantable hearing technologies. However, the number of recipients is expected to outpace the availability of trained professionals, particularly as cases become more complex. Despite this growing demand, there remains a critical shortage of audiologists nationwide, particularly those specializing in cochlear implantation.11

Candidacy criteria have expanded over the past five years, yet research quantifying the workforce gap in this specialized field is limited. Moreover, recent research indicates not all practicing audiologists are adequately trained and competent in cochlear implant programming.12 This shortage of well-trained cochlear implant audiologists has been a long-standing issue, partly due to gaps in specialized education. Although academic programs include cochlear implant coursework, few offer dedicated lab components providing essential hands-on training. Variability in training across academic programs further exacerbates this issue, creating an additional barrier to meeting the increasing demand for expert cochlear implant care. Addressing this gap requires a stronger emphasis on specialized education and clinical training to ensure audiologists are fully prepared to meet the evolving needs of the cochlear implant field.13

As demand for cochlear implant services rises, reimbursement policies also fail to keep pace, making it more difficult to provide comprehensive care and limiting patient access.14 An audiologist may spend 90 minutes programming a patient’s device. In 2025, the Medicare fee schedule for audiologists includes a reimbursement rate of $107.85 for diagnostic analysis of a cochlear implant (CPT code 92601). This amount does not reflect the expertise or time required.

Candidacy evaluations and device programming are just the tip of the iceberg in cochlear implant care. Successful outcomes depend on extensive patient counseling and training, requiring significant provider time. However, there are no specific billing codes associated with aural rehabilitation for audiology, which is the most time-consuming part of implantation and ensures successful patient outcomes. This gap leads to billing inconsistencies, frequent claim denials, and further financial challenges for providers.15

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, audiology services saw a cumulative 2-5% decrease in Medicare payments beginning in 2024. With many private insurance providers following suit, this trend can threaten the long-term sustainability of audiological services. Despite continued advocacy from organizations like the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, reimbursement structures remain inadequate, leading to financial strain on providers, higher out-of-pocket patient costs, and potential limitations on service quality and access to this technology.16

The ongoing cochlear implant journey

Cochlear implants are a transformative invention that restores hearing and enhances education, productivity, and quality of life, emphasizing their importance as a public health priority.

However, barriers to access continue to limit their full potential. Advocacy, policy reforms, and investments in telemedicine are critical to maximizing their reach and impact. With ongoing research and technological advancements, cochlear implants continue to transform auditory rehabilitation, offering renewed hope to millions worldwide. 


  1. World Health Organization. Deafness and Hearing Loss. 2023. Accessed February 1, 2025.
  2. Gifford RH, Shallop JK, Peterson AM. Speech recognition materials and ceiling effects: considerations for cochlear implant programs. Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(3):193-205.
  3. Wilson BS, Dorman MF, Woldorff MG, Tucci DL. Cochlear implants matching the prosthesis to the brain and facilitating desired plastic changes in brain function. Prog Brain Res. 2011;194:117-129.
  4. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Quick statistics about hearing. 2022. Accessed February 1, 2025.
  5. Varadarajan VV, Sydlowski SA, Li MM, Anne S, Adunka OF. Evolving criteria for adult and pediatric cochlear implantation. Ear Nose Throat J. 2021;100(1):31-37.
  6. Sharma A, Nash AA, Dorman M. Cortical development, plasticity, and re-organization in children with cochlear implants. J Commun Disord. 2009;42(4):272-279.
  7. Colletti L, Mandalà M, Shannon RV. Left temporal bone density and right ear dominance in cochlear implantation. Otol Neurotol. 2011;32(3):309-315.
  8. Olgun Y, Arayici ME, İncesulu A, et al. Evaluation of the impact of cochlear implantation on patients’ working life: A cross-sectional study. Healthcare (Basel). 2024;12(5):566.
  9. Nadège C, Valérie G, Laura F, et al. The cost of cochlear implantation: a review of methodological considerations. Int J Otolaryngol. 2011;2011:210838.
  10. Soundly. Cochlear Implant Costs: What You Need to Know. August 7, 2023. Accessed February 1, 2025.
  11. Planey AM. Audiologist availability and supply in the United States: A multi-scale spatial and political economic analysis. Soc Sci Med. 2019;222:216-224.
  12. Neukam JD, Kunnath AJ, Patro A, Gifford RH, Haynes DS, Moberly AC, Tamati TN. Barriers to Cochlear Implant Uptake in Adults: A Scoping Review. Otol Neurotol. 2024;45(10):e679-e686.
  13. Parisier SC. Cochlear implants: growing pains. Laryngoscope. 2003;113(9):1470-1472.
  14. Garber S, Ridgely MS, Bradley M, Chin KW. Payment under public and private insurance and access to cochlear implants. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002;128(10):1145-1152.
  15. Hall MW, Prentiss SM, Coto J, Zwolan TA, Holcomb MA. Decoding billing practices in cochlear implant programs. Ear Hear. 2022;43(2):477-48626.
  16. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: Audiology Services. ASHA Advocacy. Published November 3, 2023. Accessed February 1, 2025.

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions, dedicated to providing policymakers and healthcare stakeholders with comprehensive data for effective planning, presents our first op-ed column for 2025 focusing on healthcare professional advocacy.

This comprehensive article explores the vital role of advocacy in healthcare professions, examining how healthcare professionals can influence policy and improve patient care through organized action. From state-level advocacy structures to national policy initiatives like the Affordable Care Act, the piece provides a detailed roadmap of how healthcare professionals can effectively engage in advocacy efforts. Through practical examples and case studies, readers will gain insights into critical issues facing healthcare advocacy today, including third-party payor reimbursement, Medicaid coverage limitations, and the ongoing debates around scope of practice expansion.

Our guest author, Amanda L. Weaver, MBA, brings two decades of experience as executive director of the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association (AOMA), where she worked extensively with osteopathic physician leaders to improve healthcare access and quality in Arizona. Her involvement in various healthcare initiatives, from e-health information exchange to graduate medical education, alongside her completion of the American Osteopathic Association’s Health Policy Fellowship Program, provides valuable perspective on effective healthcare advocacy. As the current program manager for A.T. Still University’s Center for the Future of the Health Professions, Weaver continues to advance healthcare policy and education.

We welcome your feedback and comments on this month’s digest at

Randy Danielsen, PhD, DHL(h), PA-C Emeritus, DFAAPA

Professor and Director

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions

A.T. Still University

Amanda L. Weaver, MBA

Healthcare professional advocacy: Shaping policy and patient care

Advocacy is a crucial component of the healthcare profession, encompassing actions and efforts to represent and promote the interests of patients, healthcare providers, and the broader healthcare system. This dual-purpose approach focuses on improving patient outcomes and advancing the healthcare profession.

Professional organizations and advocacy structure

Healthcare professionals typically engage in advocacy through professional organizations at national and state levels. These organizations unify policy positions and increase public awareness through structured leadership. At the state level, organizations are typically led by a board of trustees and government relations committee that develop legislative agendas. The executive director, serving as a designated lobbyist, manages day-to-day advocacy operations, including committee attendance, testimony coordination, and stakeholder engagement. While many associations also employ additional contracted lobbyists, individual professionals can still advocate independently through available resources and training.1

State-level advocacy issues

At the state level, healthcare professionals face multiple common challenges. The 2024 legislative session highlighted several recurring themes across dental, osteopathic medicine, physician assistant, and physical therapy professions. Key issues include third-party payor reimbursement, Medicaid coverage limitations, regulatory board oversight, and quality of care standards. Scope of practice expansion represents a particularly significant and passionate debate, requiring a formal sunrise review process to analyze potential benefits and drawbacks through data-informed assessment.

Multiple issues at the state level affect healthcare professions. Reviewing some of the bills from the 2024 legislative session affecting the dental, doctor of osteopathy (DO), physician assistant/associate (PA) and physical therapy (PT) professions reveals common issues: third-party payor reimbursement and coverage, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) or Medicaid coverage for specific services, visit limits, and regulatory board issues. Additionally, some of the introduced legislation has raised issues concerning quality of care.

Case study: The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which was heavily shaped by advocacy from healthcare professionals, stands as a prime example of successful healthcare advocacy in action. Building on the discussed advocacy structures, healthcare professionals across multiple disciplines united to shape this landmark legislation. Physician organizations, nursing associations, and public health experts leveraged their collective expertise to advocate for expanded coverage, insurance exchanges, and patient protections.2

However, it is not necessary to be a member of an association to advocate for the profession. Advocacy training, resources, and information can be shared. An excellent resource is the website, which has bills, bill tracking, summaries, and much more.

Scope of practice expansion affects many healthcare professions and elicits more interest and passion than most other issues. A sunrise review process is a data-informed analysis completed before the state legislature considers a proposal that increases the scope of practice. The result is better information about the proposed legislation’s purported benefits and possible drawbacks.2

The professions seeking scope expansion address the need for this expansion in their applications, which includes but is not limited to, the healthcare workforce shortage, access to care in rural areas, and decrease in costs. Information on education, training, and certification is included to address patient safety concerns. Stakeholder meetings are held prior to the Sunrise Committee hearing to develop consensus.

Challenges and future considerations

While healthcare advocacy plays a vital role in shaping policy and improving patient care, significant challenges persist. Healthcare professionals must balance advocacy efforts with heavy clinical workloads and time constraints. System fragmentation further complicates unified action. However, understanding these challenges helps inform more effective advocacy strategies, emphasizing the need for continued engagement and innovation in healthcare policy development.4


1. Gomez EJ. Civil society in global health policy making: a critical review. Glob Health. 2018;14(1):73

2. Kaiser Family Foundation. The Affordable Care Act: A brief summary. 2019. Accessed January 10, 2025.

3. ARMA News. Advocacy update. March 3, 2023.

4. Levine RJ, Wadden D, Malloy L. Ethical issues in healthcare advocacy: navigating challenges in practice. J Health Ethics. 2017;22(4):340-349.

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions, dedicated to providing policymakers and healthcare stakeholders with comprehensive data for effective planning, presents our final op-ed column for 2024. This edition focuses on a transformative development in healthcare education: the emergence of post-professional doctorate programs for physician assistants/associates (PAs).

The PA profession’s educational requirements have evolved significantly since its inception over 50 years ago with the transition from bachelor’s to master’s degree programs approximately 35 years ago. Now, with 311 PA programs across the United States and more in development, the profession faces new challenges. Today’s healthcare environment demands sophisticated leadership skills, quality improvement expertise, and advanced clinical knowledge extending beyond traditional master’s level training.

In response to these evolving demands, the profession introduced doctor of medical science (DMS or DMSc) programs in 2016. Unlike traditional research-focused doctoral programs, these professional doctorates address practical challenges while providing opportunities for career advancement and specialized expertise. The rapid growth to 26 PA-specific doctoral programs reflects the profession’s commitment to meeting contemporary healthcare needs.

This paper examines how these doctorate programs are shaping the future of PA education and practice in an increasingly complex healthcare landscape, analyzing their development, structure, and impact on the profession.

Our guest authors this month are:

Albert F. “Bert” Simon, DHSc, PA-C Emeritus, who is professor and associate director of the DMSc program at A.T. Still University-Arizona School of Health Sciences (ATSU-ASHS). His tenure at ATSU began in 2005 as PA program chair and director. He served in leadership roles at ATSU’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona, including associate dean and vice dean (2006-2012), before returning to ATSU-ASHS as chair of Physician Assistant Studies and PA program director. In 2019, he became associate director of the DMSc program, which he designed. Dr. Simon has contributed extensively to the PA literature and co-edited Appleton and Lange’s “Q&A for the Physician Assistant.”

Beth Poppre, EdD, MEd, who serves as administrative manager of the DMSc program at ATSU-ASHS and assistant professor. Her career in medical education began in 1996 at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She joined ATSU’s Student Affairs in 2005, serving as assistant and associate vice president before transitioning to her current role. Dr. Poppre holds a master’s in student affairs from Arizona State University and a doctorate in educational leadership from Grand Canyon University.

We look forward to your feedback and comments as we continue to explore the dynamic landscape of healthcare professions. Please direct any comments or feedback on this month’s digest to

Randy Danielsen, PhD, DHL(h), PA-C Emeritus, DFAAPA

Professor and Director

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions

A.T. Still University

Elevating care: The rise of doctorate programs for physician assistants/associates in a complex healthcare landscape

The physician assistant/associate (PA) profession has experienced significant growth over the past 50+ years (see Table 1). Approximately 35 years ago, PA programs began transitioning from a bachelor’s degree to a master’s degree. The move was driven by the desire to increase the level of education and clinical training for PAs. Currently, there are 311 PA programs in the United States, with more in development. The increasingly complex healthcare system in the U.S. relies on quality improvement, advanced leadership skills, professional development, interprofessional collaboration, patient outcomes, health policy legislation, and advocacy. These factors go beyond traditional master’s-level education, leading to the need for PAs to acquire additional skills.3,4

Post professional doctorate (PPD) degrees are specifically crafted to enhance career progression for individuals who have already obtained professional credentials. For healthcare professionals seeking to advance beyond entry-level positions, PPDs can provide opportunities for expanded clinical practice or open doors to faculty roles, leadership positions, health policy avenues, and other significant professional fields. Disciplines such as physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), audiology, and nursing offer PPD programs tailored to their respective professions. Additionally, specialized PPD programs for PAs are beginning to emerge, although research on their effects on PA career growth is still limited.5,9

Research by Taylor and Maxwell, and Lee, Green, and Brennan suggests workplace demands require practical knowledge for daily professional duties. This led to the development of doctorate-prepared practitioners who can apply theory to real-world problems. PPD degrees provide advanced training for practitioners to offer specialized services in complex environments.6,7,8

Introducing professional doctorates, such as the doctor of medical science (DMS or DMSc), has become a popular alternative to traditional research-focused doctoral programs for PT, OT, audiology, and nursing, and now PAs. These programs prepare practitioners to address practical issues in their field rather than focusing solely on academic research. The emergence of DMSc programs began in 2016, and there are currently 26 PA-specific doctoral DMS/DMSc programs in the U.S. and growing (see Table 2). Additionally, three doctorate and doctor of science in PA studies (DPAS/DScPAs) programs have emerged in recent years. These longer programs focus on traditional doctoral research (see Table 3).

In 2022, a number of DMSc/DMS PA leaders established the Consortium of DMSc/DMS Programs to promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing among DMSc programs. This collaboration was created to work toward standardizing the curriculum, share best practices, and provide networking opportunities for faculty members. By fostering a community of educators and researchers, the consortium aims to improve the quality of post-professional PA education. The consortium is also a special interest group (SIG) within the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA). The consortium conducted a survey in fall 2024 on program information, including current student and alumni data (see Table 4).

The consortium’s impact extends beyond individual institutions to enhance the PA profession. Well-educated and skilled PAs can improve patient care outcomes, institutional leadership, and healthcare research. As healthcare regulations and costs drive the industry, PAs with doctoral-level training are uniquely positioned to advocate for diverse patient populations and effectively direct their care.8

The current leaders for the DMS/DMSc consortium are Chair Jenna Rolfs (University of Lynchburg), Vice Chair Daniel Anderson (Lincoln Memorial), Vice Chair Kari Bernard (College of Idaho), Executive Secretary Andrew Stakem (University of Maryland), and Past-Chair Randy Danielsen (ATSU).

A study by Kilgore, et al published in 2024 is among the first to present data surrounding the characteristics and perceived career effects of PAs with a terminal DMSc degree. According to their survey of a particular DMSc program, most PAs who graduated from the DMSc program were between ages 30 and 49. A higher frequency of PAs of color completed the DMSc degree compared with their representation in the profession. The survey respondents self-reported they experienced increases in pay and promotions and changes in leadership roles. The survey respondents indicated that professional, career, and leadership development were the leading reasons for pursuing the doctoral degree.9

In 2019, ATSU became the third university to offer the DMSc degree. The program centered on cutting-edge professional curriculum tailored specifically for practicing PAs. ATSU’s DMSc program is designed to equip students with a profound understanding of contemporary healthcare challenges, to develop and enhance the leadership skills for PAs aiming for leadership roles within the medical field.10

ATSU DMSc program highlights

  1. Customizable curriculum: One of the standout features of the ATSU DMSc program is its flexibility. Students can specialize in various fields, such as education, leadership, sports orthopedics, sports rehabilitation, sports neurology and concussion, global health, emergency preparedness, and public health workforce. This ability to tailor one’s learning experience ensures each student can focus on areas resonating with their career goals and interests.
  2. Comprehensive healthcare focus: The program emphasizes a robust understanding of the nuances and challenges of the U.S. healthcare system. It prepares students to address contemporary issues effectively and fosters the development of leadership skills essential for navigating the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery.
  3. Flexibility and convenience: The program’s fully online structure is particularly advantageous for working professionals. With no requirement for on-campus attendance or clinical hours, participants can seamlessly balance their studies with their career responsibilities. Moreover, the program can be completed in an efficient 18 to 36 months, underscoring ATSU’s commitment to respecting the time and efforts of its students.
  4. Continuing education value: Participants can earn up to 60 AAPA Category 1 CMEs, demonstrating a significant commitment to ongoing professional development. This feature highlights the program’s recognition of the importance of continual learning in the medical field.
  5. Reputable institutional support: As part of ATSU-ASHS, the DMSc program benefits from the University’s well-established reputation for excellence in health sciences education. This backing lends elevated credibility to credentials obtained through this program.

Ideal DMSc candidates

The ATSU DMSc program is explicitly designed for certified or licensed PAs, including PAs from the U.K. and Canada, or who are retired. This inclusivity expands opportunities for professionals looking to advance their knowledge and leadership capabilities, ultimately benefiting the healthcare system at large. In a 2023 study conducted at Wake Forest School of Medicine, PAs without a PPD were surveyed to determine influencers for pursuing a PPD. The top influencers included ability to work while pursuing the degree, cost of the degree program, salary increases, professional advancement opportunities, and the length of the program. Respondents also cited the offering institution’s prestige, capstone requirements, and reputation of the program director.12

Implications for the future

The expansion of PA-specific PPDs from their initial offering in 2016 to 29 programs today represents a significant development in PA education. This rapid growth suggests substantial demand for advanced degree pathways within the profession. With the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) reporting over 178,000 practicing PAs in the United States and more than 311 entry-level PA programs graduating thousands annually, the potential enrollment pool for PA-specific PPDs remains robust.

Current PA-specific PPDs primarily focus on preparing graduates for leadership and educational roles, with less emphasis on clinical skill enhancement. This alignment serves the pressing need for PA program faculty and addresses the growing demand for PA leaders in administration and the pharmaceutical industry. However, this represents a relatively narrow segment of the profession, as most PAs focus on direct patient care. A critical question facing the field is whether PA-specific PPDs will continue serving primarily niche markets in education and leadership, expand to attract larger numbers of clinically focused PAs, or develop new models to serve both administrative and clinical needs.

PAs currently have options for advancing their clinical credentials through residency programs, which focus on developing specialized medical knowledge and skills. While some PA-specific PPDs offer advanced credit for residency training, these educational paths generally remain separate. Programs could explore innovative curriculum models that create cohesive intersections between PPD education and clinical specialization. Such integration could develop pathways combining doctoral-level theoretical knowledge with advanced clinical training, while maintaining flexible frameworks that accommodate both leadership development and clinical expertise enhancement.

The accreditation landscape for PA-specific PPDs currently operates under regional accreditation through sponsoring institutions and may require state-specific authorizations, without discipline-specific accreditation requirements. As the field matures, programs should carefully consider several key questions regarding potential discipline-specific accreditation. These considerations include whether specialized accreditation would improve student education quality and how programs can maintain their current effectiveness while meeting new standards. Programs must also balance accreditation requirements with the need for innovation and flexibility to accommodate various student needs, including different time zones, military deployments, working professionals’ schedules, family responsibilities, and clinical practice demands.

The establishment and acceptance of PA-specific PPDs has created a foundation for discussions about entry-level doctoral degrees. With many other healthcare professions already requiring doctoral-level entry credentials, the PA profession must carefully consider its future educational requirements. Programs and professional organizations should evaluate the benefits and potential risks of transitioning to entry-level doctorates, including impacts on professional parity with other healthcare disciplines, effects on workforce development and career advancement, implications for educational costs and accessibility, and influence on patient care quality and outcomes.

The future of PA doctoral education will likely continue evolving as current programs mature and adapt, new PPDs emerge, the PA profession expands its role in healthcare delivery, and healthcare systems become increasingly complex. Success will require maintaining flexibility while ensuring educational quality, meeting workforce needs, and advancing the profession’s capabilities to serve patient and healthcare system demands. This evolution presents both challenges and opportunities for the PA profession to shape its educational framework in ways that enhance patient care and professional development while preserving the essential characteristics that have made PAs valuable contributors to the healthcare system.

Needs for future research

Due to the relatively recent advent of PA specific PPDs and the limited number of graduates who have completed the program the authors recommend additional research be conducted on this phenomenon. Studies on the evolving demographics of the enrollees will identify if shifts have occurred in such areas as age, gender, or racial composition of the student body. Research on the market demand and utility of the degree will assist the PPD programs in responding to trends in enrollment and employment. Also of interest would be any efforts to enact a discipline specific accreditation process or standardization of curricula of the PA specific PPD programs.


The emergence and rapid growth of DMSc programs represents a significant evolution in PA education and professional development. These programs, including but not limited to exemplars like the one at ATSU, demonstrate the profession’s commitment to advancing healthcare leadership, education, and clinical practice. Through customizable and comprehensive curricula delivered in flexible formats, these programs enable practicing PAs to obtain doctoral-level education while maintaining their professional obligations.

The success of PA-specific PPDs reflects both the growing sophistication of the PA profession and its vital role in addressing contemporary healthcare challenges. Graduates from these programs are advancing into diverse leadership positions across healthcare settings, contributing to educational excellence as PA faculty, engaging in healthcare policy development, and promoting evidence-based practice improvements. This diversification of career paths strengthens the profession’s ability to influence healthcare delivery at multiple levels.

The continued evolution of these doctoral programs, supported by early research showing positive outcomes in career advancement and professional satisfaction, suggests a promising future for PA doctoral education. As the healthcare landscape becomes increasingly complex, these programs provide PAs with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to navigate challenges, advocate for optimal patient care, and contribute to healthcare innovation. The collaborative efforts of PA doctoral programs, through initiatives like the Consortium of DMSc/DMS Programs, further demonstrate the profession’s commitment to maintaining high educational standards while fostering innovation in curriculum design and delivery.

For PAs seeking to expand their influence within the medical community, doctoral education offers a pathway to enhanced expertise and leadership capabilities. Whether pursuing roles in clinical practice, education, administration, or research, graduates of these programs are positioned to make meaningful contributions to the future of healthcare in America. As the profession continues to mature, the ongoing development and refinement of doctoral education will play a crucial role in preparing PAs to meet the evolving needs of patients, healthcare systems, and the broader medical community.


  1. American Academy of PAs. History of AAPA & the PA Profession. Accessed November 13, 2024.
  2. Physician Assistant Education Association. PAEA: 50th History Highlights. January 2022. Accessed November 13, 2024.
  3. Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate. Founding literature. Accessed November 13, 2024.
  4. Costley C, Lester S. Work-based doctorates: professional extension at the highest levels. Stud High Educ. 2012;37(3):257-269.
  5. Bernard KS, Derr JN, McMoon M, et al. The contribution of postprofessional doctorates to the career development of healthcare workers: a scoping review. J Allied Health. 2024;53(3):e191-e200.
  6. Taylor N, Maxwell T. Enhancing the relevance of a professional doctorate: the case of the Doctor of Education degree at the University of New England. Asia Pac J Coop Educ. 2004;5(1):60-69.
  7. Lee A, Green B, Brennan M. Organizational knowledge, professional practice, and the professional doctorate at work. In: Garrick J, Rhodes C, eds. Research and Knowledge at Work: Perspectives, Case-studies, and Innovative Strategies. Routledge; 2000.
  8. Maxwell T. From first to second generation professional doctorate. Stud High Educ. 2003;28(3):279-291.
  9. Kilgore R, Colletti T, Rolfs J, et al. Characteristics and career effect on PA graduates of a doctor of medical science program. JAAPA. 2025;38(1). doi:10.1097/01.JAA.0000000000000170
  10. A.T. Still University. Doctor of Medical Science. Accessed November 13, 2024.
  11. Danielsen R. The Professional Doctorate: What are we waiting for? Clinician Reviews. 2017;27(6):79.
  12. Gillette C, et al. What Physician Assistants prefer in a post professional doctorate program: a cross-sectional rating and rankings study. J Physician Assist Educ. 2023. doi:10.1097/JPA.0000000000000502
  13. American Academy of PAs. About AAPA. Accessed November 19, 2024.
  14. Kulo V, Cawley JF, Kayingo G. The implementation of the clinical doctorate degree in physician assistant education and its potential effect on the Master’s degree as PA entry-level education. BMC Med Educ. 2021;21:274. doi:10.1186/s12909-021-02725-5

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions is excited to present another monthly op-ed column for 2024, offering insightful perspectives on issues shaping the future of health professions. Established to provide policymakers at all levels and healthcare stakeholders with accurate and comprehensive data, our center aims to support effective planning for a sustainable future in healthcare. The United States healthcare system stands at a critical juncture, facing unprecedented challenges demanding a new breed of administrative leadership. As healthcare organizations grapple with decreasing reimbursement rates, staffing shortages, increased regulations, and rising patient expectations, the role of healthcare administrators has evolved dramatically from its early 20th century origins.

This month’s article traces the transformation of healthcare administration in America – from its roots in nursing and social work through the watershed moments of Medicare’s creation, the rise of managed care, and the Affordable Care Act – while examining how these historical shifts have shaped the competencies required of modern healthcare leaders. As we look toward a future marked by aging populations, technological innovation, and economic uncertainty, understanding this evolution becomes crucial for developing leaders capable of navigating the increasingly complex healthcare landscape.

Our guest author is Dr. Robert Clegg, chair of the Health Administration Department in the College of Graduate Health Studies at A.T. Still University. Most recently, Dr. Clegg was a professor/faculty lead for the health administration programs in the School of Health Sciences at Northcentral University in La Jolla, California. Before his academic career, Dr. Clegg worked in the not-for-profit healthcare sector for over 25 years, including as the chief quality and compliance officer at Copper Queen Community Hospital in Bisbee, Arizona. Dr. Clegg is also a proud veteran, serving as a Hospital Corpsman in the United States Navy for nearly 16 years.

Academically, Dr. Clegg earned both his bachelor of science in health science and a master of public health at Fresno State and a doctorate in human services with an emphasis in healthcare administration at Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He will also graduate with a master of law and business with an emphasis in healthcare law, compliance, and ethics from the National University in December 2024. Furthermore, he is a certified professional in healthcare quality (CPHQ) through the National Association of Healthcare Quality and a master certified health education specialist (MCHES) through the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing.

Philanthropically, Dr. Clegg proudly volunteers much of his time, talent, and treasure on the board of directors for the American Red Cross – Southern Arizona Chapter and serves on the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation, Inc., for Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Fresno State. On a personal side, Dr. Clegg enjoys exploring the country with his amazing wife in their travel trailer, riding his Harley-Davidson anytime, anywhere, and everywhere possible, playing softball, and trying to better his short game on the golf links.

Randy Danielsen, PhD, DHL(h), PA-C Emeritus, DFAAPA

Professor and Director

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions

A.T. Still University

Robert Clegg, PhD, MPH, CPHQ, MCHES

Leading the way for a healthier America: The past, present, and future of health administration in the United States

With healthcare constantly changing, there is a growing need for healthcare leaders with the education, skills, and ability to adapt to the “new normal” of “doing more with less.” This often includes addressing the challenges of decreasing reimbursement rates, worker shortages, dwindling resources in exchange for more regulations, rising market competition, and increasing patient expectations. Couple this with advances in medical technology, new standards of care, changing patient demographics, and population growth, which require a new business model that includes cross-functional and cross-disciplinary learning and skill development. To keep up with the rapid pace the industry is changing, healthcare organizations need to become “learning organizations” at every level of the organization and in every aspect of the organization’s processes. This means establishing a culture of continuous learning that encourages each team member to perpetually transform and adapt to the shifting healthcare landscape.1

During the early 20th century, hospitals in the United States were predominantly non-profit and owned by either religious organizations or the government. At the time, hospital administrators often derived from nursing, social work, or public health backgrounds. Following the passage of Titles XVIII and XIX, which created Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, there was an influx of funds into the healthcare system to pay for care for elderly and poor Americans. The sudden and rapid growth of a more structured healthcare system led to the emergence of the hospital administration profession. Consequently, there was a need for formalized health administration programs to educate future healthcare leaders.2

In the 1980s, healthcare began to be viewed more as a business with the rise of managed care and the shift from cost-based reimbursement to a fixed prospective payment system, especially for Medicare and Medicaid. As a result, more business courses were offered in health administration programs. This led to the development of the master in hospital administration (which would later become the master of health administration, or MHA) and master of business administration (MBA) programs with concentrations in healthcare. These programs offered academic courses in physician practice management, quality, and managed care, as well as courses emphasizing quantitative skills. During this period, the nation saw a significant increase in physicians filling executive positions and the need for C-suite leaders in not-for-profit hospitals to possess for-profit experience.2

Fast forward to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which was signed into law in 2010. Aside from making health insurance more affordable and accessible for all Americans through health reform, this era brought forth the transition from fee-for-service reimbursement to value-based purchasing, risk sharing (e.g., bundled pricing), and the movement toward a vertically integrated healthcare delivery system, such as Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Independent Physician Associations (IPAs), and Physician-Hospital Organizations (PHOs). It also required healthcare leaders to develop a new set of competencies. This included management skills for specific areas, such as hospitals, ambulatory settings, and physician practices, as well as working knowledge of risk management and quality. This era also saw the move toward preventive medicine, wellness, population health management, and managing chronically ill patients, requiring a new set of competencies in predictive analysis, change management, physician relations, and quality and patient safety. As a result, many healthcare organizations and educational institutions that train healthcare leaders adopted competency models from several different professional organizations, including the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), and National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL)2.

Today, just as in the past, healthcare leaders must always put their patients at the organization’s center. This can only be accomplished by aligning the organization around a comprehensive business strategy including access to medically appropriate patient care, quality-driven outcomes, and financial stewardship.3 Proving medically appropriate quality care is vitally important for the success of any healthcare organization. Like most businesses, the financial success of a healthcare organization means bringing in more cash from the customer – which, in this case, is the patient – than what is paid for the services necessary to provide the needed services – that being, the care rendered to the patient. Furthermore, hospitals and physicians are compensated based on value-based purchasing and quality incentive payment programs, including Bridges to Excellence and CMS Quality Payment Programs, such as the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs), and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program. These payment systems incentivize hospitals and providers based on population management and quality-driven patient care.2

When a business strategy is not working, healthcare leaders are responsible for identifying and explaining to their stakeholders – including the organization’s board of directors – any issues the organization is experiencing that might hinder its mission and the strategies to address these issues.4 In order to address the increasing challenges facing today’s healthcare environment, collaborative and distributive leadership styles have begun to emerge. Collective leadership is viewed by many as a fundamental approach to addressing complex, rapidly changing advances in medical technology and the growing number of specializations. It involves sharing knowledge and different viewpoints from multiple professionals to promote staff well-being and quality of patient care.5 Similarly, by leveraging shared responsibility and accountability, distributive leadership embraces a collective vision from multiple partners instead of relying on hierarchical and centralized structures of power often seen in traditional healthcare settings.4

The future of healthcare means that populations are living longer, and innovative technological applications are being implemented across the healthcare spectrum, all while uncertainty looms regarding the state of the U.S. economy. Due to the decrease in childhood mortality, safety and efficacy of medications, and increased focus on preventative care, life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past decade.6 Furthermore, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) have dramatically changed how medicine is developed and how sick patients are diagnosed and treated.7 Lastly, increasing healthcare expenditures are expected to exceed economic growth in the United States, primarily due to high inflation, persistent clinical staff shortages, and lower economic growth.8 With such growth and uncertainty, the future of healthcare in the United States requires leaders who are well-educated and well-versed in the complexities of the healthcare industry. However, those with a global perspective, cross-industrial experience, and disruptive thinking can navigate the course of change.9


  1. Herd, AM; Adams-Pope, BL; Bowers, A; Sims, B. Finding what works: leadership competencies for the changing healthcare environment. Journal of Leadership Education. 2016; 15(4), 217-233.
  2. Love DB; Ayadi MF. Redefining the core competencies of future healthcare executives under healthcare reform. Administrative Issues Journal. 2015, 5(2), 3-16.
  3. Loria K. The future of healthcare leadership: how healthcare is changing – and the new skills you need to thrive. Managed Care Executive. 2019, 14-17.
  4. Wojtak A; Stuart N. Resetting the future of healthcare leadership. Healthcare Quarterly. 2021, 24(3), 1-3.
  5. Silve JAM; Mininel VA; Agreli HF; Peduzzi M; Harrison M; Xyrichis A. Collective leadership to improve professional practice, healthcare outcomes, and staff well-being. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2022, 10, Article SD013850, 1-17.
  6. Altschuler GC. Why we are living longer [blog post]. Psychology Today. Published May 11, 2021. Accessibility verified October 16, 2024.
  7. Marr B. The ten biggest trends revolutionizing healthcare in 2024. Forbes. Published October 3, 2023. Accessibility verified October 16, 2024.
  8. Fleron A; Singhal S. The gathering storm: The uncertain future of U.S. healthcare. McKinsey & Company. Published September 16, 2022. Accessibility verified October 16, 2024.
  9. Walcott D. Shaping the future: The rise of the disruptive healthcare leader. Forbes. Published March 12, 2024. Accessibility verified October 16, 2024.

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions is excited to present another monthly op-ed column for 2024, offering insightful perspectives on issues shaping the future of health professions. Established to provide policymakers at all levels and healthcare stakeholders with accurate and comprehensive data, our center aims to support effective planning for a sustainable future in healthcare.

This month, our column shines a spotlight on animal-assisted therapy (AAT), which represents a promising approach to managing dental anxiety, a significant barrier to oral healthcare affecting approximately 20% of Americans. While AAT has a rich history dating back to 1792 and has demonstrated numerous benefits in various healthcare settings, including cardiovascular, psychological, and cognitive improvements, its application in dentistry remains relatively unexplored.

Our guest author, Mai-Ly Duong, DMD, MPH, ’12, is an associate professor and associate director of special care dentistry at A.T. Still University-Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH). Dr. Duong earned an Advanced Education in General Dentistry certificate from NYU Langone Medical Center in 2013. This program evolved her clinical skills to include computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, sedation dentistry, and advanced periodontal/oral surgery. In 2016, she earned a master’s degree in education with a dental emphasis from the University of the Pacific. Her many accomplishments and contributions to the dental profession have earned her recognition as a master of the Academy of General Dentistry, a fellowship in the Special Care Dentistry Association, a fellowship in the American College of Dentists, a fellowship in the International College of Dentists, and a fellowship in the Pierre Fauchard Academy. On a personal note, Dr. Duong loves to sing. Her personal goals are to become fluent in Spanish and American Sign Language.

We look forward to your feedback and comments as we continue to explore the dynamic landscape of healthcare professions. Please direct any comments or feedback on this month’s digest to

Randy Danielsen, PhD, DHL(h), PA-C Emeritus, DFAAPA

Professor and Director

The Center for the Future of the Health Professions

A.T. Still University

Mai-Ly Duong, DMD, MPH, ’12

Animal-assisted therapy in the dental setting


Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) can be used in conjunction with, or in place of, sedation to reduce and manage anxiety during dental treatment. AAT is grounded on scientific evidence that the human-animal bond is mutually beneficial and is influenced by behaviors directly leading to positive health and well-being for both.25 Because of this, AAT involves goal-centered interventions in which the animal meets, and is integral to, the treatment and healthcare process.

Although AAT is modern-day terminology and a growing field of study in psychology research, the use of animals for health benefits can date back to the beginning of mankind between cave dwellers and wolves.21 However, it was not until 1792 that the first case of animal therapy was documented in England when William Tuke found farm animals, such as rabbits and chickens, lessened the use of drugs and restraints.22 By the 19th century, animals were used as companions in European mental health institutions to increase comfort in an already seemingly prison-like environment. 23, 24

In 1919, the use of companion animals was first documented in the United States. Most notably canines were used in the psychiatric wings of hospitals.24 In the 1940s, animals were used to help U.S. veterans recuperate and reduce any PTSD symptoms. By the end of the 20th century, the use of animals in the healthcare setting had become prevalent, and the following terms were coined: animal-assisted therapy, animal-assisted interventions, and pet therapy.

Goals of AAT

Approximately 20% of Americans report a moderate to high level of anxiety about obtaining dental treatment. The most common reasons for avoiding dental treatment include fear of dental experience and previous negative dental experience.1, 19 Avoiding or delaying necessary dental treatment can lead to highly detrimental oral health consequences and inevitably reduces oral health-related quality of life.1

With stress and anxiety comes the activation of an individual’s autonomic nervous system; this system prepares the body for the sympathetic fight-or-flight response.3 Self-induced regulation is necessary as it serves as a coping mechanism for the body under certain situations.4 However, continued sympathetic activation can contribute to coronary heart disease, reproductive dysfunction, and immunosuppressive disorders.4 Orally, chronic stress and autonomic activation can lead to decreased salivary flow rate, xerostomia, and increased levels of plaque formation, all of which contribute to risk for oral disease.5

AAT programs are designed to improve an individual’s physical, social, and emotional health and cognitive functioning.12 AAT has shown cardiovascular, psychological, and cognitive benefits. Specifically, the use of AAT helps decrease anxiety, stress, and depression levels, decreases heart rate and blood pressure, improves self-esteem and mood, and lowers IgA levels.13 These changes have been seen with long- and short-term exposure to AAT. Consequently, nursing homes, hospitals, retirement communities, and many other institutions are implementing AAT.14 While AAT’s benefits are well documented in medical care facilities, AAT studies are virtually nonexistent in dental settings.

AAT in dentistry

In 2000, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommended distraction techniques to alleviate patient fear and anxiety related to dental treatment.15 Along with the other aforementioned benefits, Katcher & Friedmann (1980) reported that AAT can work as such distraction: petting an animal creates “a passive meditative focus on a non-threatening stimulus [that] can relax a person by lowering the body’s state of arousal.”16 In addition to tactile stimulation, AAT can provide deep pressure therapy (DPT) to anxious patients. DPT involves a dog using its weight and sometimes warmth to mitigate a psychiatric symptom, often either as a calming strategy or to minimize disengagement from the world. Similar to a weighted blanket for people with autism, DPT can relax and re-engage a person enduring an otherwise disabling symptom.17

One previous study attempted to show the benefits of AAT in a dental setting; however, their methods resulted in conflicting and inconclusive evidence of benefit.18  Many anecdotal experiences and case studies have shared the benefits of canine-assisted therapy in the dental setting. More properly designed studies need to be implemented to explore AAT’s effectiveness in a dental setting.

AAT’s benefits

  1. Cardiovascular benefits
    The American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association report that an estimated 83.6 million Americans have been diagnosed with some cardiovascular disease (CVD). Further, CVD has been shown to increase premature deaths and nursing home admissions. Friedman and Thomas found that of the individuals who have experienced a myocardial infarction, those who owned pets had a higher statistically significant one-year survival rate than those who did not own pets.26 The American Heart Association has assessed the existing evidence and concluded that pet ownership positively influences the presence and reduction of CVD. It is currently examining the causal relationship that may be present.27 Other reputable institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic, have incorporated, and are also currently examining, the effects of AAT on CVD.   
  2. Psychological benefits
    As previously alluded to, the positive benefits of AAT were first documented in psychology. It is also important to note that more than half of psychiatrists and psychologists indicate that they have prescribed companion animals (or pets) for their patients.28 AAT has been shown to improve social and communication skills, reduce anxiety, improve mood, and facilitate empathic skills.29 Some evidence has demonstrated that petting an animal reduces feelings of loneliness, depression, and insecurity.30 This provides strong support for the use of AAT in the dental arena when so many individuals face anxiety.
  3. Cognitive benefits
    AAT can catalyze communication, especially during psychotherapy sessions, because the presence of an animal makes the experience less threatening and more inviting. As previously stated, holding or petting an animal can provide physical comfort and a sense of security and safety.23 Because of this, the use of AAT in dental treatment is further supported. Furthermore, physiological signs such as blood pressure and respiratory rate are also decreased or normalized when an individual is comforted and secure.26

Types of AAT

Animals involved with AAT include dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, birds, rabbits, and fish. Dogs are the most common animals used for AAT. Often, canine-assisted therapy, feline-assisted therapy, or other smaller animals are used in healthcare facilities where the human or patient is receiving treatment. For example, a canine and his/her handler will visit a chronically ill patient in the hospital or long-term care facility.

Canine-assisted therapy is the most common type of AAT provided in the healthcare setting. They can be found in both short-term and long-term as well as group and individual settings. Feline-assisted therapy is often found in long-term facilities where they are seen more like pets due to their independent nature. They provide long-term facilities, a sense of continuity, and a homey feeling to the residents. 

However, other types of therapy, such as equine-assisted therapy and dolphin-assisted therapy, require the human or patient to travel to the animals’ establishments. Having patients participate in grooming, feeding, and riding the horse has shown significant improvements in health and healing. Further, having patients interact, feed, and swim with dolphins has also shown increased response to physical therapy and psychological treatment.

Challenges of utilizing AAT


Infection control is a primary concern in all healthcare facilities. Therefore, when incorporating AAT as a strategy to improve patient well-being, it is essential to ensure the animal and handler follow all the guidelines set forth by the CDC to properly and safely reduce the risk for infection during AAT activities. These guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Establish and enforce proper hand-washing protocols.31
  • Identify and treat any illness or wound that the AAT animal experiences in a timely manner.31
  • Ensure that the AAT animal receives routine and regular veterinary visits, including up-to-date with all recommended vaccinations.31
  • Regularly bathe and groom the AAT animal within 24 hours of interacting with patients.31
  • Provide adequate time for the AAT animal to exercise and relieve themselves prior to interacting with patients.31
  • Provide a healthy diet for the AAT animal.31
  • Maintain an up-to-date record that shows the completion of an animal-assisted certification program.31

Animal welfare

Just as humans are prone to burnout, animals can also experience burnout or fatigue if overworked. Therefore, the Delta Society has created standards and in-depth guidelines to protect animals involved with AAT.32 These should be thoroughly reviewed and implemented into any AAT program.

To reiterate the CDC guidelines, the animal must be well cared for from a general health standpoint. The animal must also have time to enjoy being a pet. They must be trained to understand when it is time to work with patients and when it is time for them to play. When they are ill, proper action should be taken to restore their physical and mental health.

Selection process

Animals involved with AAT must be properly trained to prevent bad outcomes due to miscommunication. They should have mastered basic obedience skills and behave in a predictable manner. They must also enjoy being around people and being touched or held. Because dogs have been domesticated and can learn how to respond appropriately to voice commands, they are the most common type of AAT animal.

On the contrary, the patient receiving the AAT should be considered. Their preferences may indicate which type of animal will yield successful outcomes. The patient’s allergies to certain types of animals should be identified and avoided. Any animal with which the patient reports a poor history should also be avoided. 


Because AAT has been highly successful in the medical arena, it is not surprising that it is slowly being incorporated into dentistry. As more and more institutions incorporate the use of AAT as a means to reduce anxiety, it can be argued that the use of AAT can be used in the following ways:

  1. To desensitize patients to a new dental office.
  2. To alleviate anxiety during consultations in the dental office.
  3. To reduce anxiety about invasive dental treatment.
  4. To help reduce anxiety during the induction of deep or general sedation.
  5. To help transition a patient from a deeper to a more conscious sedative state of mind.

There is a rich body of evidence showing the powerful effect the human-animal bond can have on health and well-being. Therefore, AAT programs have the potential to be a significant part of patient-centered treatment. It is important healthcare providers recognize, explore, and develop this strategy because it can have life-changing effects on the patients they care for.


1. Tellez M, Kinner D, Heimberg R, Lim S, Ismail A. Prevalence and correlates of dental anxiety in patients seeking dental care. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. April 2015;43(2):135-142.

2. Delta Dental. 2008. Managing your anxiety about going to the dentist. Available at: Accessed March 29, 2016.

3. Sadi H, Finkelman M, Rosenberg M. Salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase, and the dental anxiety scale. Anesthesia Progress. 2013 Summer 2013;60(2):46-53.

4. Knight W, Rickard N. Relaxing music prevents stress-induced increases in subjective anxiety, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate in healthy males and females. Journal of Music Therapy. Winter 2001 2001;38(4):254-272.

5. Kambalimath H, Dixit U, Thyagi P. Salivary cortisol response to psychological stress in children with early childhood caries. Indian Journal Of Dental Research. April 2010;21(2):231-237.

9. Porritt J, Marshman Z, Rodd H. Understanding children’s dental anxiety and psychological approaches to its reduction. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry / The British Paedodontic Society [And] The International Association of Dentistry For Children. November 2012;22(6):397-405.

10. Sayed A, Ranna V, Padawe D, Takate V. Effect of the video output of the dental operating microscope on anxiety levels in a pediatric population during restorative procedures. Journal of the Indian Society Of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry. January 2016;34(1):60-64.

11. Potter C, Jensen D, Kinner D, Tellez M, Ismail A, Heimberg R. Single-Session Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dental Anxiety. Clinical Case Studies. February 2016;15(1):3-17.

12. Pet Partners. (2005). Learn:Terminology. Retrieved from:

13. Morrison M. Health benefits of animal-assisted interventions. Complementary Health Practice Review. January 2007;12(1):51-62.

14. Ernst L. Animal-Assisted Therapy: An Exploration of Its History, Healing Benefits, and How Skilled Nursing Facilities Can Set Up Programs. Annals Of Long Term Care. October 2014;22(10):27-32.

15. Havener L, Gentes L, Agrawal S, et al. The effects of a companion animal on distress in children undergoing dental procedures. Issues In Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. April 2001;24(2):137-152.

16. Katcher, A.H. & Friedmann, E. Potential health value of pet ownership. Comprehensive Continuing Education. 1980;1(2), 117-121.

17. Burrows, K. E., Adams, C. L., & Spiers, J. (2008). Sentinels of safety: service dogs ensure safety and enhance freedom and well-being for families with autistic children. Qualitative Health Research, 18(12), 1642-1649. doi:10.1177/1049732308327088

18. Schwartz A, Patronek G. Methodological issues in studying the anxiety-reducing effects of animals: Reflections from a pediatric dental study. Anthrozoös. 2002;15(4):290-298.

19. White A, Giblin L, Boyd L. The prevalence of dental anxiety in dental practice settings. Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2017; 91(1): 30-34.

20. Jackson J. Animal-assisted therapy: the human-animal bond in relation to human health and wellness. 2012. Winona State University

21. Urichuk LJ & Anderson D. Improving mental health through animal-assisted therapy.

Alberta, Canada: Chimo Project. 2003.

22. Macauley BL. Animal-assisted therapy for persons with aphasia: A pilot study. Journal

of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2006; 43(3), 357-366.

23. Fine,A (ed.). Handbook on animal-assisted therapy; Theoretical foundations and

guidelines for practice (3rd ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 2010.

24. Allderidge PH. A cat, surpassing in beauty, and other therapeutic animals. Psychiatric

Bulletin, 1991; 15, 759-762.

25. American Veterinary Medical Foundation. AVMA Policies: Animal-assisted interventions Definitions. 2018.

26. Friedman E, Thomas SA. Pet ownership, social support and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST).

Am J Cardiol. 1995;76(17):1213-1217

27. Levine GN, Allen K, Braun LT, et al; American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. Pet ownership and cardiovascular risk: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2013;127(23):2353-2363.

28. Guarneri M. The Heart Speaks: A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing. New York, NY: Touchstone; 2006.

29. Bánszky N, Kardos E, Rózsa L, Gerevich J. The psychiatric aspects of animal assisted therapy [in Hungarian]. Psychiatr Hung. 2012;27(3):180-190.

30. Cangelosi PR, Embrey CN. The healing power of dogs: Cocoa’s story. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2006;44(1):17-20.

31. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities: Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC).

32. Delta Society. Standards of practice for animal-assisted activities and animal-assisted therapy. 1996.

This summer, hundreds of new ATSU students from across the globe embarked on their journey to become the next shining stars in the healthcare field. Traveling to Kirksville, Missouri; Mesa, Arizona; and Santa Maria, California, these aspiring professionals took their first steps toward careers dedicated to improving the health and wellness of their communities.

Medical and dental students received their white coats after their first week of orientation, while audiology, physical therapy, physician assistant, and occupational therapy students received their white coats further into their programs as they prepare for clinical rotations and patient care.

The white coat, representing professionalism and ethical responsibility, has been worn for more than 100 years by physicians and has since been adopted by other health professions. The white coat ceremony, which involves a formal “robing” or “cloaking” of students, marks a significant milestone in their professional education. It symbolizes the transformation from layperson to healthcare professional – much like a star emerging from the nebula, ready to shine its light on the world.


“I felt really proud of myself and my classmates. We worked really hard to get here and I’m very proud to have my family watching me. It’s been a long journey – I’ve thought of this a really long time and it’s finally happening.”
–John Janisko, PA, ’25

ATSU-SOMA DO program

“It just means the world to me, especially as a young black girl seeing other black girls become doctors, that I can be part of the representation … so another girl who looks like me can have faith that she can get here too.”

–Francisca Okeke, OMS I

ATSU-KCOM DO program
ATSU-ASHS PA program

“It felt like a dream come true. I’ve been in the admissions process for a really long time, and I’m finally able to start dental school soon, and I’m excited for the journey ahead. It’s a dream to be able to receive my white coat.”

–Nia Moquino, D1


From the moment students enter their academic program at ATSU, they are immersed in a rigorous educational environment, whether in a physical classroom or online. Their daily lives are filled with assignments, research, group activities, after-hours study sessions, and eventually for many, clinical rotations and patient care.

Students across campuses and programs submitted their personal photos, offering a glimpse into their journey through their eyes. Their experiences, depicted in the following photos, show the dedication, teamwork, and camaraderie essential in the health professions.

Justin Hicklin, who completed his clinical rotations in Arizona, explores the outdoors with his classmates. Photo submitted by Justin Hicklin, DO, ’24, ATSU-KCOM.
Occupational therapy students celebrate ugly sweater day on the Mesa, Arizona, campus. Photo submitted by Morgan Peterson, OT, ’25, ATSU-ASHS.

The various phases of studying

After a short lecture from ATSU-SOMA professor Inder Makin, MD, PhD, about views, proper imaging techniques, and abdominal structures, ATSU-SOMA students worked on abdominal phantoms with visceral organs, as well as engaged in peer-to-peer practice of scanning for hepatobiliary structures. Here, Deshaynee Iseri and Patricia Balatbat work together to bring the lecture to life. Photo submitted by Rebekah Feinberg, OMS II, ATSU-SOMA.
Meghana Ashok Kumar, a clinical audiologist in ATSU’s online Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology program, shares a selfie during a quick work-study break. Photo submitted by Meghana Ashok Kumar, AuD, ATSU-ASHS.
Elshadie Ramdat is pursuing her dream, one course at a time, as a distance learning student. Photo submitted by Elshadie Ramdat, MHA, RRT-NPS, a doctor of health sciences student, ATSU-CGHS.
Rebeca Soto Caballero takes a quick nap during a study session. Photo submitted by Rebeca Soto Caballero, OMS II, ATSU-SOMA.

Making great achievements

Alexis Brown meets Bucky during the ATSU Central Coast Physician Assistant program welcome picnic for the class of 2025. Photo submitted by Alexis Brown, PA, ’25, ATSU-CHC.
Mikayle Syczylo proudly holds her newborn daughter. Photo submitted by Mikayle Syczylo, OMS III, ATSU-KCOM.
Mariela Magaña Ceballos, a San Ysidro Health civic engagement intern for the External Affairs department, helps engage low propensity voters in the November election. Photo submitted by Mariela Magaña Ceballos, OMS IV, ATSU-SOMA.
Shivam Chandra presents on pulmonary mucormycosis at the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons conference, discussing aggressive management strategies he employed in this case. Chandra says this opportunity was an invaluable experience in academic presentation and medical writing. Photo submitted by Shivam Chandra, OMS III, ATSU-SOMA.
Heather Pelletier is honored at the Maine State Hall of Flags with the 2023 Community Star Award from Maine’s Office of Rural Health and Primary Care program. Pelletier, CEO of Fish River Rural Health, a federally qualified health center, was recognized for her leadership and commitment to rural healthcare. Photo submitted by Heather A. Pelletier, MPH, ’24, ATSU-CGHS.

Away from campus

Elizabeth Williams sports ATSU gear while in a Black Hawk helicopter flying over the Panama and Colombia border. Williams was participating in a work mission for her day job with the U.S. government. Photo submitted by Elizabeth Williams, doctor of health sciences student and student ambassador, ATSU-CGHS.
Lance Attiq visits the U.S. Capitol during the American Dental Association Dentist and
Student Lobby Day in April. Dentists and students lobbied for change to the legislature on the state and federal level to best support dentists and the dental profession. Photo submitted by Lance Attiq, D4, ATSU-ASDOH.
ATSU-SOMA students Maritza Vazquez-Trejo, Adriana Barranco, and Raashmi Krishnasamy visit the Arizona Capitol for DO Day in February. Photo submitted by Adriana Barranco, OMS II, ATSU-SOMA.

Matching outfits and unbreakable bonds

ATSU-CHC students get fitted for white coats. Photo submitted by Alexis Brown, PA, ’25, ATSU-CHC.
Speech-language pathology students attend their pinning ceremony. Photo submitted by Samantha
Gardner, SLP, ’25, ATSU-ASHS.
Maya Newton, Seth Suzuki, Faisal Kamal, Valerie Jabero, and Armin Radoncic, celebrate being halfway
through their didactic year of the Central Coast Physician Assistant program. Photo submitted by Faisal
Kamal, MS, ’24, ATSU-CHC.
An Vo, Jocelyn Pham, Kristen Nguyen, and Julie Jeong celebrate finishing their first year of dental school
and pose with their typodonts. Photo submitted by Kristen Nguyen, D2, ATSU-MOSDOH.

Kirksville, Missouri, will always hold a special place in the heart of ATSU Board of Trustees member Michelle Mayo, PhD. A first-generation college student, Dr. Mayo attended Truman State University and earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s in education. During her time in Kirksville, Dr. Mayo met former ATSU board member Bertha Thomas and Dwayne Smith, PhD, interim president of Southern Connecticut State University.

“I was in Kirksville for eight years. I met some wonderful people who really poured into me and saw more in myself than what I saw in me,” she says. “They really played a pivotal role in where I am today. I’m very grateful to have crossed paths with Bertha and Dwayne. Not only were they my mentors, but even today, they are some of my very closest friends and confidants.”

After completing her undergraduate and graduate degrees, Dr. Mayo stayed in Kirksville an additional two years, which she says inspired her to work in higher education. She then moved to Indiana and received her doctorate in educational policy from Indiana University.

“I once again had people pour into me,” she says. “That’s where I really found my passion for addressing issues of access and equity for underserved communities.”

Dr. Mayo has worked at a variety of universities, including Marquette University in Milwaukee, Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis, and North Carolina Central University in Durham. She now works for California State University-Monterey Bay as the associate provost for student success and dean of undergraduate studies.

In her current role, Dr. Mayo is responsible for academic support and curating the undergraduate experience. She has also connected the university with the National Institute for Student Success. Dr. Mayo’s extensive experience in higher education led Thomas to recommend her for ATSU’s Board of Trustees back in 2016. Dr. Mayo was hesitant to join at first because of her lack of experience in the medical field, but she’s glad she took the risk.

“I’ve had an opportunity to meet people from various walks of life that under normal circumstances I would not have had the opportunity to meet,” she says. “It’s only made me a better person, and I’ve been able to deal with issues of access and equity, one of my passions for working in higher education.”

In her almost nine years with the board, Dr. Mayo got married and moved twice. When she initially joined the board, she lived in St. Louis and moved to Durham shortly thereafter. She helped ATSU develop pipeline programs with North Carolina Central University by introducing students to the Physician Assistant Studies program and subsequently informing them about ATSU’s other academic offerings. She hopes she can translate what she’s learned about student success at the undergraduate level and apply it to ATSU.

“It’s been rewarding for me to share a piece of what I know with ATSU and see what I have to share be taken seriously and utilized within the University,” she says. “I hope I’ve been able to bring that whole world of student success as the point of focus for a professional school so we can continue to enhance our students’ experiences.”

“ATSU is fortunate to have the skills, knowledge, and talents of a rising academic leader in Dr. Mayo. She makes us a better university by bringing innovative and timely ideas pertaining to academics, student life, and operations.”

– Dr. Craig M. Phelps, ATSU chancellor


Melinda Brown, MHA, ’09, was elected to the Carl Junction School District School Board in April. She also serves as the Missouri School Boards’ Association delegate. Brown is director of the Gipson Center for Healthcare Leadership at Missouri Southern State University and resides in Carl Junction with her husband, Mark Brown, DO, ’11. Their children are Zakory; Maggie, a master of public health student at ATSU-CGHS; and Ashdyn.


Antoinette “Toni” Farmer-Thompson, DHEd, ’10, was named president of Strayer University in Virginia. She is the first Black woman to hold the position. Dr. Farmer-Thompson joined the university in 2021 as its provost and chief academic officer. She previously served as chief financial officer and chief operations officer of educational outreach and student services at Arizona State University.

Gabriel Anders, DO, ’14, received critical care board certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine, an independent physician-led, nonprofit organization. Dr. Anders is a physician at Bothwell Regional Health Center in Sedalia, Missouri.

Vivek Babaria, DO, ’14, was one of 20 spine surgeons featured in the North American Spine Society’s SpineLine spotlight of specialists under 40. Dr. Babaria specializes in interventional spine and sports medicine and uses advanced ultrasound technology. In addition to his degree from ATSU, he received extensive training at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and OSS Health.

Justin Silverstein, DHSc, FASNM, FASET, ’14, was appointed clinical assistant professor of neurology at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra University/Northwell Health.

Christine Beeson, DO, FAAP, ’16, is board certified in the pediatric specialty of child abuse and neglect. In April, she joined faculty on the Child Abuse team at the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. Dr. Beeson sees children for suspected abuse and neglect and is the fellowship’s educational director.

Sondra DePalma, DHSc, PA-C, ’18, a graduate of ATSU-CGHS, led research resulting in the article, “Medical Malpractice Payment Reports of Physician Assistants/Associates Related to State Scope of Practice Laws and Regulations,” which was awarded the JMR Award for Distinguished Scholarship by the Federation of State Medical Board’s Journal of Medical Regulation in recognition of an outstanding objective, scholarly contribution.

Andrea Hartford, DO, ’18, joined Women’s Excellence as one of the newest members of its Clarkston, Michigan, medical team.


Brittany Helmbrecht, DHEd, ’20, was named interim dean of professional studies and applied sciences at Chadron State College in Chadron, Nebraska. Previously an associate professor, Dr. Helmbrecht has been a member of the college’s faculty since 2015. In addition, she is president of the Northwest Nebraska Trails Association, secretary of Bike Walk Nebraska, a member of the American College of Health Association, and a certified group fitness instructor by the American Council on Exercise.

Christa Lo, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C, ’20, joined the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth’s School of Health Professions as associate dean. She’ll also serve as faculty in the Physician Assistant Studies program. In addition, she acts as a site visitor and commissioner for the Accreditation Review Commission for Education for the Physician Assistant.

Cheri Jrolf, DMSc, MPAS, PA-C, ’22, received the 2024 American Mother of the Year award for Florida from American Mothers Inc., an organization encouraging and highlighting mothers across the U.S. Dr. Jrolf is a mother of five and is a board-certified physician assistant with more than 28 years of clinical experience. She is a champion of foster care awareness and has advocated for children born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.