ATSU’s Kirksville, Missouri, campus SGA presents 2024 student, faculty awards
Posted: April 29, 2024
A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) Kirksville, Missouri, campus Student Government Association (SGA) presented its 2024 student and faculty awards April 19 in Mehegan Classroom.
Awards were as follows:
ATSU-Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-MOSDOH) Student Dentist of the Year: Madison Schurb, D3 (presented by Brooke Robinson, MPA, director of student success, ATSU-MOSDOH)

ATSU-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (ATSU-KCOM) Student Doctor of the Year: Jacob Speechley, OMS IV (presented by Peter Kondrashov, PhD, ATSU-KCOM Anatomy department chair)

ATSU-MOSDOH Class of 2026 Outstanding Teacher Award: Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, PhD, MS, associate professor (presented by Hanna Matejka, D2)

ATSU-MOSDOH Class of 2027 Outstanding Teacher Award: Sumitra Miriyala, PhD, MBA, MPH, FAHA, associate professor of anatomy, ATSU-KCOM (presented by Austin Seaborn, D1)

Max Gutensohn, DO, Class of 2026 Outstanding Teacher Award: Julie Hessler, DO, assistant professor, family medicine (presented by Vinny Cook, OMS II)

Max Gutensohn, DO, Class of 2027 Outstanding Teacher Award: Sara Funk, DPT, assistant professor, anatomy (presented by Danielle Graf, OMS I

ATSU Student Researcher of the Year: Hope Welter, OMS II (presented by William Sexton, PhD, professor, physiology)

ATSU-MOSDOH Elsie Gaber Compassion and Integrity Award: Euslah Kigen, D2 (presented by Elsie Gaber, PhD)

SGA Leadership Award: Sameer Khan, OMS II; Roger Woolley OMS II; and Nivedita Biju, OMS II (presented by Dan Martin, MA, director, Thompson Campus Center)