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ATSU Student Government Association announces award winners

The ATSU Student Government Association Awards Ceremony was held virtually on April 30. The following awards were presented:

Student of the Year Awards, presented by Patricia Sexton, DHEd, associate dean of curriculum, and Kristin Blunk, MBA, MOSDOH director of student success
MOSDOH: Cab Bradley, D2
KCOM: Jessica M. Clark, OMS IV

KCOM Max Gutensohn, DO, Outstanding Teaching Award, presented by Jacob Speechley, OMS I, SGA class president-KCOM
KCOM class of 2023: Jeremy Houser, PhD, associate professor of anatomy
KCOM class of 2022: Julie Hessler, DO, ’96, assistant professor of family medicine

MOSDOH Outstanding Teaching Award, presented by Megan Stayton, D1, SGA vice president-MOSDOH, and Cab Bradley, D2, SGA president-MOSDOH
MOSDOH class of 2023: Adepitan Owosho, DDS, director of integrated human sciences
MOSDOH class of 2022: Richard Vargo, DMD, director of dental CCU

Elsie Gaber Compassion and Integrity Award (MOSDOH), presented by Elsie Gaber, PhD
Winner: Taylor Cummins, D2

Taylor Cummins, D2
Taylor Cummins, D2

Gerald J. Tritz Microbiology Award, presented by Melissa Stuart, PhD, microbiology department chair
Winner: Michael Syrett, OMS II

Michael Syrett, OMS II
Michael Syrett, OMS II

Student Researcher of the Year, presented by William Sexton, PhD, professor of physiology
Winner: Megan Howell, OMS III

Megan Howell, OMS III
Megan Howell, OMS III

SGA Student Leadership Awards, presented by Dan Martin, MA, Thompson Campus Center director
Winners: Cab Bradley, D2; Zachary Santoro, D2; Rahim Shareef, OMS II; Lewis Woods, OMS II


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