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ATSU-SOMA students establish first osteopathic student-led BNGAP chapter

Clockwise, from top left: Merett Saad, OMS II, chapter president; Alejandro Castaneda, OMS II, vice president and research chair, and GPS Scholar; Nancy Nguyen, OMS II, secretary; and Joanna Manansala, OMS I, director of events.

Students at A.T. Still University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona (ATSU-SOMA) have established the first osteopathic student-led chapter of Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians (BNGAP). 

BNGAP is an effort toward diversifying academia, with a focus on building a pre-faculty pipeline of diverse medical students and residents considering careers in academia. 

ATSU-SOMA chapter officers include Merett Saad, OMS II, chapter president; Alejandro Castaneda, OMS II, vice president and research chair, and GPS Scholar; Joanna Manansala, OMS I, director of events; and Nancy Nguyen, OMS II, secretary.

“As the first osteopathic medical institution to join BNGAP, we are very proud to connect with many academic physicians in the country that are diligently working to bridge gaps in healthcare access and to advance the practice of medicine,” Saad said. “To the greatest extent thus har, it is crucial for osteopathic physicians to increase awareness of osteopathic medicine advancements and how it is utilized to combat some of the most serious medical conditions our nation faces. We hope to be a leader in espousing osteopathic principles to innovatively advance holistic medicine. Joining BNGAP is the first step in achieving this.”


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