ATSU-SOMA student says School is ‘like being a member of a big family,’ enjoys campus life
Posted: December 8, 2023
A.T. Still University-School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona (ATSU-SOMA) student Mariah Taylor, OMS I, crossed the country from her home in Grayson, Georgia, to attend medical school in Mesa, Arizona.
Taylor likes what she has found.
“Being a student at ATSU-SOMA is like being a member of a big family,” Taylor said. “I not only bonded with students within my cohort but also with students from other programs. Furthermore, I look forward to events held on campus that unite all of the programs. For example, I enjoyed Founder’s Day because it brought the campus together, and SOMA had the chance to bond with ATSU-ASDOH during Super Puff football.”
Taylor graduated from the University of Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and minor in biology, and a certificate in African Studies. She was drawn to ATSU-SOMA due to the School’s mission of service to the underserved, and found the campus community inviting during her visit.
That’s something she hoped to pass along and was key in her decision to become a student ambassador.
“I wanted to share why I love this school with prospective students and add to the diversity of the student ambassador staff,” Taylor said. “My choice to attend here was greatly influenced by the student ambassadors I encountered. I enjoy interacting with future students and answering their questions truthfully. Serving in this role has also allowed me to improve my communication skills.”
Taylor is also secretary for the School’s Student National Medical Association (SNMA) chapter and first-year liaison for the chapter of Association of Women Surgeons (AWS).
“I joined SNMA because I believe the first step in addressing health disparities is to increase representation in medicine. I joined AWS because I am interested in surgery, and as a woman, I wanted to find community with other women with the same interest,” Taylor said.
When not studying, Taylor enjoys exercising, reading, and baking.
She hopes to one day take what she has learned and use it to improve the healthcare system.
“My vision as a physician is to bridge the gap between the healthcare system and underserved communities. ATSU will prepare me to fulfill this mission by providing training on how to meet the needs of these communities,” Taylor said.