ATSU makes goal in United Way Campaign
Posted: November 2, 2018
On Oct. 31, A.T. Still University (ATSU) exceeded its goal of raising $10,000 for the 2019 Northeast Missouri United Way Campaign.
With a mission to serve the community, the United Way of Northeast Missouri supports 13 partner organizations, including Adair County 4-H Council, Kirk-Tran, Adair County Family YMCA, North Central Missouri Chapter-American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Boy Scouts-Great Rivers Council, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Macon Diversified Industries, Community Opportunities Sheltered Workshop, Hospice of Northeast Missouri, Victim Support Services, NEMO Senior Citizens Nutrition Program, and Heartland RSVP.
The overall goal for the 2019 United Way Campaign is $170,000. To date, more than $85,000 has been raised. The Northeast Missouri Campaign will continue through November.
“Thanks to everyone at ATSU who graciously gave and supported our fund drive. We raised a total of $12,871,” says Trish Sexton, ATSU United Way Campaign chairman. “I am pleased to be a part of such a caring and giving institution.”