ATSU library hosts 3-D printing contest
Posted: January 26, 2017
A.T. Still University’s Memorial Library is holding a 3-D printing contest. Simply create a model with applications in healthcare education and submit it for committee review for a chance to win a cash prize. Entries will be judged on innovation, creativity, and learning outcomes.
The contest is open to all ATSU students, faculty, and staff. Contestants may submit their designs individually, or participate with groups of up to three. Designs can be original, or based on pre-made models. In the written proposal, contestants must explain how the design’s applications are tied to learning objectives.
The top-three entries from each campus will be awarded a cash prize: first place will receive $250, second place will receive $150, and third place will receive $100. Contestants or groups must submit a written proposal and an STL file for the library to print by Feb. 14, 2017. Prizes will be awarded on May 2, 2017.
Direct questions to Adrienne Brodie at on the Arizona campus or Debra Loguda-Summers at on the Missouri campus. Contest rules and information.