ATSU-KCOM announces class of 2014 awards
Posted: May 22, 2014
A.T. Still University’s Kirksville College of Osetopathic Medicine held its annual Awards Banquet May 16, 2014. Members of the class of 2014 were honored by Craig Phelps, DO, ’84, president, and Kent Campbell, DO, ’83, associate dean, academic and clinical education affairs. Gifts and awards were presented by Margaret Wilson, DO, ’82, dean, and Lori Haxton, MA, vice president for student affairs.
Organizational & Leadership Awards
NOWPA Past President’s Award
National Osteopathic Women Physicians Association
Carly Ernst
National Osteopathic Women Physicians Association
Carly Ernst
Sigma Sigma Phi President’s Award
Sigma Sigma Phi
Quang Pham
ACOFP Distinguished Leadership & Service Award
American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Clint Sowards
Pediatricians Presidential Award
American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians
Hillarey Stone
SAAO Presidential Award
Student American Academy of Osteopathy
Anthony King
L. Linton Budd Presidential Achievement Award
The L Linton Budd Osteopathic Obstetrics and Gynecology Society
Jinlin Wang
MOSA Past President’s Award
Missouri Osteopathic Student Association
Jessica Kline
Biomedical Sciences Past President’s Award
Biomedical Sciences Club
Tyler Smith
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Past President’s Award
American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Kali Webb
SOMA Presidential Award
Student Osteopathic Medical Association
Blake Hood
SNMA Presidential Award
Student National Medical Association
Paul Guernsey
WMS Past President’s Award
Wilderness Medical Society
Benjamin Cook
UNICEF Presidential Award
ATSU-United Nations Children’s Fund
Lindsay Lucado
SGA Past President’s Award
Student Government Association
Brian Moore
SAMOPS Presidential Award
Student Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons
Elliott Strube
JMSA Past President’s Award
Jewish Medical Student Association
Jody Musso
KOAA Board Member Award
Kirksville Osteopathic Alumni Association
David Rhoiney
United States Military Recognition
Kathleen Boyer
Stephanie Brooks
Thomas Dear
Raymond Fisher
Thomas Gedulig
Ryan Hasson
Joshua Jacobson
Brittaini McGinnis
Ryder Olsen
David Rhoiney
John Schacht
Elliott Strube
Nathan Tidwell
Troy Underbrink
Edward Wiemholt
National Health Service Corps Award
Susan Kasza
Lauren Stoffel
Class President Award
Raymond Fisher
Jody Musso
Student Ambassador Award
Gaberiel Anders
Zachary Beam
Emily Becker
Bryan Bourland
Kathleen Boyer
Alexander Bunce
Jessica Caine
Hadassah Consuegra
Benjamin Cook
Heather Curtis
Joanna Dunn
Kalina Ehrenreich-Piot
Lindsay Elledge
Carly Ernst
Paul Guernsey
Summer Hassan
Blake Hood
Katherine Johnson
Rebin Kader
Susan Kasza
Ryan Keith
Evan Krueger
Christine Ku
Lindsay Lucado
Stephen Luchtefeld
Erin Majchrzak
Brittaini McGinnis
Alexander Meyer
Caitlin Molloy
Brian Moore
Jody Musso
Elizabeth Piel
Matthew Reschke
David Rhoiney
Jared Rickert
Aimee Skinner
Tyler Smith
Clint Sowards
Sarah Studyvin
Katie Swor
Tyson Travis
Troy Underbrink
Jinlin Wang
Kali Webb
Edward Wiembholt
Mark Wilkinson
Zachary Willis
Christine Wilson
Outstanding Student Ambassador Award
Gabriel Anders
Erin Majchrzak
Leadership in SGA Award
Brian Moore
Bucky Walter Living Tribute
Edward Rodenkirch
Jessica Talbot
Humanitarian Award
Benjamin Cook
Kassandra Cooper
Leadership & Service Award
Katie Swor
Matthew Reschke
Ron Gaber Student Leadership Award
Brian Moore
Academic & Clinical Awards
M.D. Warner Scholarship
Nathan Barford
Glasgow-Rubin Achievement Award
American Medical Women’s Association
Heather Curtis
Tifany Hoyne
Susan Kasza
Christine Ku
Anatomy Fellowship
Jacob Frisbie
Jared Nichols
OMM Fellowship
Lindsay Lucado
Kristopher Marin
Aimee Skinner
Flint Walker
Pathology Fellowship
University of Missouri-Columbia
Eric Destrampe
Hollister Fellowship
Evan Krueger
R.R. Hannas Achievement Award
Missouri College of Emergency Physicians
Kassandra Cooper
ATSU Diversity Excellence Award
David Rhoiney
Claus A. Rohweder, DO Internal Medicine Award
Devin Kennedy
Tinning Family Endowment
Jared Rickert
Ruth B. Laursen Memorial Award
Kalina Ehrenreich-Piot
Alexander Meyer
Award for Excellence
TEVA Pharmaceuticals
Esad Kiveric
Family Health Foundation of Missouri
Christine Wilson
Paul M. Sargentini Memorial Award
Hillarey Stone
Kudelko Award
Tifany Hoyne
Gold Humanism Honor Society
Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Zachary Beam
Kathleen Boyer
Jessica Caine
Michael Cranney
Jenifer Dankyi
David Rhoiney
Kalina Ehrenreich-Piot
Joshua Jacobson
Jessica Kline
Brian Moore
Sarah Studyvin
Kali Webb
Chase Webber
Mark Wilkinson
Christine Wilson
Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award
Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Mark Wilkinson
Maria Evans, MD
Honors Graduate Award
Missouri State Medical Association
Benjamin Cook
Steven C. McDonald, DO
Emergency Medicine Award
Gussie Brotherton III
Harbarger Award
Nathan Barford
Benjamin Cook
Esad Kiveric
Jason Klipsic
Anthony Scavone
Stewart Scholar Award
Evan Mason