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ATSU-KCOM alum named AOF Board President

Larry Wickless, DO, ’67, was named board president for 2016 for the American Osteopathic Foundation (AOF). Dr. Wickless grew up in Kirksville, Mo., and graduated with his undergraduate degree at Truman State University. He then went on to earn his doctorate at A.T. Still University’s Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (ATSU-KCOM). Dr. Wickless also served as a board member for ATSU from 1996-2004. “Dr. Wickless is a change agent who has held many leadership roles in the osteopathic profession. We are honored to tap his expertise to help grow our donor base and our impact,” said AOF Executive Director Stephen Downey. As AOF president, Dr. Wickless aims to focus on fundraising through matching grants and major donors and supporting more projects that benefit the profession. Congratulations to Dr. Wickless on his accomplishments!


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