ATSU hosts inaugural Arizona Nexus Interprofessional Practice and Education Conference
Posted: April 25, 2018
A.T. Still University (ATSU) and The Arizona Nexus for Interprofessional Practice & Education co-hosted a one and a half day conference on ATSU’s Arizona campus April 20-21. ATSU’s Barbara Maxwell, DPT, MSc, THE, FNAP, PT, ’06, professor and university director of interprofessional education and collaboration, organized ATSU’s participation in the conference.
The Arizona Nexus is a group of health professions faculty, students, practitioners, and administrators from a number of Arizona’s universities and healthcare organizations working together and with the National Center for Interprofessional practice and Education, to advance interprofessional practice, education, and research to improve the health an healthcare in Arizona and nationally.
Two speakers were featured at the two-day event: Nancy Johnson, RN, PhD, CEO of El Rio Community Health Center; and Pamela Thompson, MD, integrated health consultant with PT Envision Enterprises.
The conference aimed to draw together, practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers, and students with the shared goal of creating a healthier Arizona through collaboration and teamwork. Using a workshop format intentionally designed to provide opportunities for practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers, and students to learn with, from, and about one another through active participation. The conference also provided opportunities for the participants to share examples of successful efforts to enhance collaboration and teamwork in both practice and education across the state.
To learn more about the conference, visit the conference website or read the ASU blog post.