ATSU honors veterans and active military members on both campuses
Posted: November 12, 2016

The Missouri campus Veterans Day ceremony was held in McCreight Classroom.
On Friday, Nov. 11, A.T. Still University (ATSU) held Veterans Day celebrations on the Mesa, Arizona, and Kirksville, Missouri, campuses. Each campus honored veterans and active military members across the University, including faculty, staff, and students. University Staff Council, ATSU Diversity & Inclusion, and the Diversity Enrichment in Education Committee sponsored both events.
The Arizona campus served breakfast for attendees, and ATSU challenge coins were given to those military members in attendance. A tree was decorated in patriotic colors and displayed the names of veterans and active military members from ATSU.
On the Missouri campus, ATSU President Craig Phelps, DO, ’84, welcomed guests, and Roy Danks, DO, residency program director for general surgery at Northeast Regional Medical Center and assistant professor of surgery at ATSU’s Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, delivered a Veterans Day message. Truman State University Color Guard posted the colors, and the MEDleys performed “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful.” ATSU challenge coins were presented to military members in attendance. Lunch was provided for guests following the ceremony.

The Arizona campus’ Veterans Day tree displayed the names of veterans and activity military members from ATSU.

Dr. Roy Danks gives the Veterans Day message.

The POW-MIA table was set at the Missouri campus luncheon.