ATSU earns four top MarCom Awards
Posted: November 6, 2013
A.T. Still University of Health Sciences received two Platinum (the highest honor) and two Gold Awards from MarCom Awards 2013, an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals.
Platinum Awards recognized Still Magazine Cover Summer 2012 in the Design (Print)/Magazine Cover category and Still Magazine Online in the Alumni Magazine Website category. Gold Awards recognized Still Magazine in the Magazine/Alumni Magazine category and Still Magazine in the Design (Print)/Magazine category.
Still Magazine is produced twice a year by ATSU Communication & Marketing, and Still Magazine Online is a partnership project between ATSU Information Technologies Services and Communication & Marketing.
In addition to Platinum and Gold Awards from MarCom, ATSU received an Honorable Mention for its Admissions Recruitment Suite, as well as an Honorable Mention for First Impressions in the Magazine/Recruitment Magazine category.
This year’s MarCom Awards winners include a range of individual communicators, media conglomerates, universities, and Fortune 500 companies. A complete list of awards winners is available at