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ATSU-CHC student named director at large and chair for diversity of LBGT PA Caucus

Efren Torres, PA, ’24, of the Central Coast Physician Assistant (CCPA) program at A.T. Still University-College for Healthy Communities (ATSU-CHC), has been named director at large and chair for diversity for the 2024-25 LBGT PA Caucus, a caucus of the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA).

The LGBT PA Caucus works to promote LGBTQ+ healthcare awareness, education, and advocacy within the PA community. Torres was also involved with the caucus in 2023 when he was named a PA Student Leader Fellow, which is a joint fellowship between the LBGT PA Caucus and PAs for Latino Health (PALH).

Upon receiving this fellowship last year, Torres said, “I was told multiple times growing up that being gay and Latino would hinder me from being able to accomplish anything.”

“Being ‘different’ should never keep you from your goals, on the other hand, it should be celebrated. There are many great opportunities out there and if you follow your passion, you will accomplish your individual goals and dreams.”


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