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ATSU-CGHS Doctor of Health Sciences alumnus appointed to Illinois State Medical Board

A.T. Still University-College of Graduate Health Studies (ATSU-CGHS) alumnus Don Diemer, DHSc, PA-C, ’11, has been appointed a member of the Illinois State Medical Board by Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker.

Dr. Diemer received his Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc) degree from ATSU-CGHS in 2011.

In addition to this degree, Dr. Diemer also holds a bachelor of science from Southern Illinois University and a bachelor of science and master of science from the University of Nebraska.

Currently, Dr. Diemer serves as the program director for the Physician Assistant program and the Doctor of Medical Science program at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. He also serves as a physician assistant for Rural Health Inc. in Anna, Illinois.

His previous work includes a role as the associate program director for the Physician Assistant Program at Texas Tech University, as well as over 20 years of service in the U.S. Air Force as a captain and physician assistant.


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