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ATSU-ASHS alumnus appointed to ARBoPA Board by Arizona Governor

Geoffrey Hoffa, PA-C

MESA, Ariz. – A.T. Still University-Arizona School of Health Sciences (ATSU-ASHS) alumnus Geoffrey Hoffa, PA-C, was recently named to the Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants (ARBoPA) by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. He will replace Randy Danielsen, Ph.D., PA-C, dean of ATSU-ASHS, who has just completed his maximum two terms on the board.

“When completing a term on an important regulatory board, it is always great to see younger, energetic people come forward,” said Dr. Danielsen. “In this case I am even more thrilled to see an ATSU-ASHS PA alumnus of Mr. Hoffa’s caliber appointed to this prestigious board by Governor Brewer.”

Hoffa, a ’00 graduate of ATSU-ASHS, was appointed to the board on October 9, and will attend his first quarterly meeting on November 18. While serving on the ARBoPA board, which licenses and regulates more than 1,000 Arizona physician assistants (PA), his job will be to ensure public safety through adherence to practice laws and rules. He also sees it as an opportunity to serve the public by helping to attract much-needed healthcare professionals to Arizona through modern, forward-thinking healthcare practice rules that will benefit the physician/PA partnership.

“I am currently pursuing efforts at broadening my contacts locally and around the nation to seize the opportunity which has presented itself in the current healthcare debate,” said Hoffa. “As a leader and consultant, I will persist to push the profession forward, as well as continue to expand my role as a community leader. I believe the two efforts share the common goal of ensuring quality, affordable healthcare.”

After graduating from ATSU-ASHS, Hoffa worked in solid organ transplant for over five years at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix. He started his own independent contracting business, Hoffa Health Care, in 2008, and continues to hold leadership positions with the Arizona State Association of Physician Assistants, lobbying and serving as a delegate at the national level.


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