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ATSA Advisors, Officers, Committees, & Representatives

On behalf of the Athletic Training program, we would like to extend a thank you to Tamara Valovich McLeod, PhD, ATC, FNATA, and Barton Anderson MS, AT, ATC for their dedicated efforts in guiding and overseeing the Athletic Training Student Association for the 2013-14 academic year.

Additional thanks goes to the executive officers of the ATSA for their leadership. In addition to being the face of the association, officers supervised committee efforts to ensure smooth and effective operation.

ATSA President: Kelsey Picha

ATSA Vice-President: Josie Harding

ATSA Secretary: Melissa Kay

ATSA Treasurer: Michelle Weber

ATSA Historian: Suzie Aparicio

The ATSA committees have focused directives throughout the year, aimed at streamlining the workload of the association. We would like to recognize each committee and the initiatives they led this past academic year.

The Community Committee is fundamental in organizing resources, arranging educational content, and recruiting manpower for community events such as Free Community Health and Wellness Day and Day for Special Smiles. Special thanks goes to Co-Chairs Shirleeah Fayson, Jessica Markbreiter, and Josie Harding for their leadership. Distinct recognition goes to second-year Kyle Winters for his dedicated work organizing the multiple American Red Cross Blood Drives hosted at ATSU.

The Finance Committee serves as driving force for the association’s financial success. This committee finds and creates opportunities for members to raise money, which allows the association to achieve their yearly goals. On behalf of the program, we would like to express appreciation to Chair of the committee, Brad Eppelheimer for his willingness and focused drive.

The Communication Committee is responsible for the management of Interprofessional Collaborative Education opportunities in addition to any and all promotional or marketing efforts on behalf of the association. Most notably, the committee is appointed the task of compiling the annual ATSA Alumni Newsletter. On behalf of the program, we would like to express appreciation to the members of the committee for their collective work, and specifically we would like to recognize their efforts in compiling the 2013-2014 newsletter. Special thanks goes to Co-Chairs Nicole Harshbarger and Kyle Winters.

Lastly, ATSA members select two representatives to serve on the Student Government Association, which is a group that serves as the representative voice of the ATSU student body. This year, we want to give recognition to first-year AT representative Lindsay Minthorn, and second-year AT representative Nicole Harshbarger. These two students represented the AT program in school-wide initiatives, and spoke on behalf of the program at SGA gatherings.


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