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Arizona and California library updates

Arizona campus library updates

During the fall semester, the Arizona campus has been busy with activity and students. A highlight was an event displaying the art projects of first-year Physical Therapy program students, the result of a unique assignment from Jeffrey Andrion, PhD, PT, MA, assistant professor. Please look for this art on our walls during the rest of the year.

During winter exams, we placed a coloring table in the main study area for students to color to accompany our puzzle table. We also held many student and staff engagement events like naming several of our anatomical models and an open access email campaign to highlight publishing opportunities to our faculty.

This winter, we are reaching out to students to assess our space and how it is used. We want to see if the spaces as we have them configured are best suited for our students’ needs. We will also reach out to interested faculty who may have additional ideas.

Looking forward, please save the date for our annual Faculty Appreciation reception on Wednesday, April 2, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. We will be honoring the accomplishments of our University and all faculty and staff are invited to the celebration.

As always, please feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions or needs from the library!

Hal Bright, ASDOH Liaison Librarian
Leslie Golamb, ASHS and SOMA Liaison Librarian
Laura Barkema, ASHS Liaison Librarian
Mohammad Aslam, Electronic Resources Librarian
Marimar Murillo, Library Assistant

California campus library updates

We hope these updates will enhance your library experience and support our students’ and faculty’s learning and research. If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Hal Bright ( in Arizona or Dot Winslow ( in California.


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