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Aquatic therapy

To some, AquaStretch™ may sound like the name of a super hero, but it’s actually an innovative pain management and physical medicine breakthrough treatment. For Jessica Huss, PT, DPT, CCI, ’02, AquaStretch™ often succeeds when other traditional treatments have failed.

An adjunct faculty member at Mohave Community College, Dr. Huss is one of six original AquaStretch™-trained instructors in North America and one of only two physical therapists trained by its creator, George Eversaul, APH. Dr. Huss was introduced to the technique in 2010 while earning continuing education credits for physical therapy licensure requirements.

“I immediately noticed the significant overall improvement in my patients’ rehab outcomes when I used AquaStretch™,” says Dr. Huss, who is the owner and aquatic physical therapy director of the Aquatic Rehab & Wellness Center in Lake Havasu City, Ariz.

Dr. Huss performs stretching techniques.

Dr. Huss performs stretching techniques.

According to Dr. Huss, AquaStretch™ differs from other aquatic and stretching procedures in two ways. First, patients are encouraged and given permission to actively participate by being asked to move if they feel the need to move. This differs from traditional treatments where the patient remains passive while receiving treatment.

Second, AquaStretch™ applies stretch resistance. Weights of five to 15 pounds are attached to the patient’s body to obtain a deep fascial stretch in positions not possible on land. Stretch resistance may also be varied by changing the depth of water and/or varying the facilitator’s pressure.

Dr. Huss notes AquaStretch™ is particularly effective in restoring flexibility and alleviating chronic aches and pains. The method also works to quickly resolve adhesions that limit mobility and create pain. AquaStretch™ has many applications ranging from patients with chronic pain to athletes, pediatrics to geriatrics, and patients with neuromuscular and/or musculoskeletal conditions.

Dr. Huss and Eversaul are preparing to train an additional three to six aquatic physical therapy instructors from the professional organization Aquatic Therapy University.

“I am so excited for these PTs to witness the results I’ve been experiencing with patients,” Dr. Huss says. “I take pride in providing a hands-on educational experience for my patients, students, and other professionals.”


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