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April ATSU-KCOM, ATSU-MOSDOH Student Ambassador Spotlight

Each month, A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) Admissions Office in Kirksville, Missouri, will select student ambassadors to recognize and showcase. Student ambassadors are second-year students who speak and meet with prospective ATSU-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (ATSU-KCOM) and ATSU-Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-MOSDOH) students. 

ATSU-KCOM Student Ambassador Spotlight: Aishwarya Kothapalli

Aishwarya Kothapalli, OMS II, pictured at right. (*Please note this photo was taken prior to implementation of social distancing)

Aishwarya Kothapalli, OMS II, completed a bachelor’s degree in human physiology at the University of Iowa. Kothapalli is originally from Bettendorf, Iowa. She loves taking her dog, Niko, on long walks and teaching him tricks. She also enjoys true crime podcasts, documentaries, and mystery novels. 

She is an active member of many clubs, including the MEDley’s a capella group, Emergency Medicine Club, Anesthesia Interest Group, and the OBGYN Interest Group. She is the co-president of the UNICEF Club. 

“Professionally, I am interested in a wide variety of medical specialties,” Kothapalli said. “I’m quite excited to see where I’ll end up after my clinical rotations, however, I am currently interested in pursuing emergency medicine, anesthesiology, or critical care medicine.”

Kothapalli decided to participate in ATSU’s Student Ambassador program because she loves connecting with prospective students and helping them along in their medical school application process. 

“I remember how much I appreciated the student ambassadors on my interview day at ATSU, and how much they eased my tensions about medical school,” Kothapalli said.

Congratulations, Aishwarya Kothapalli, for being our ATSU-KCOM Student Ambassador spotlight!

ATSU-MOSDOH Student Ambassador Spotlight: Anna McNamara

Anna McNamara, D2

Anna McNamara, D2, is from Clarion, Pennsylvania, and completed her bachelor’s degree in biological sciences at Ohio University. She enjoys most outdoor activities, volleyball, and spending time with her dog, Herbert. 

McNamara currently serves as president of Delta Sigma Delta and wellness chair for the American Student Dental Association

“ATSU is helping me to achieve my goal of becoming a dentist and has provided me with ample learning opportunities and experiences, both in the simulation clinic and in the community,” McNamara said.

Anna McNamara, D2

McNamara decided to participate in the ATSU Student Ambassador program because she enjoys meeting new people and wanted to “pay it forward.” 

“I appreciate the former dental students who took time to help me when I was going through the application and interview process,” McNamara said.

Congratulations, Anna McNamara, for being our ATSU-MOSDOH Student Ambassador spotlight!


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