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April 2022 from the library director

It’s warming up in Kirksville, and starting to sizzle in Arizona, it’s always perfect in Santa Maria, and the final stretch of the year is upon us. Congratulations to our almost-graduates of A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) classes of 2022. In addition to the undergraduates of these colleges, congratulations to the inaugural Central Coast Physician Assistant program class for a successfully completing their first academic year.

In my last newsletter, I announced our newly negotiated, transformative agreement with the Wiley publisher journals where ATSU faculty/staff can have their open-source APC fees waived in the hybrid journals of that company. In addition, I am pleased to announce that a similar agreement has been reached with the Cambridge publishing house hybrid journals.

Finally, I hope you took advantage of the plethora of educational offerings that have been available this spring. Maud Mundava, MLS, MBA, co-taught a plagiarism class with the University Writing Center. Laura Lipke, MLIS, MOT, has taught several sessions of “How to Research 101 for the Student” course; I will be talking about open science/open access achievements within academia and how our library supports this endeavor which our faculty to disseminate their research on a more equitable scale.

Enjoy the spring: it is warm and full of hope. Look for new database announcements in the next few weeks.


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