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Alpha Phi Omega, Pediatrics Club support food pantry, adopt-a-child holiday efforts

Shelby Terrel, OMS II, president of Pediatrics Club, and James LÍu, OMS II, co-president of Alpha Phi Omega, pose with members of the Kirksville Fire Department

Service organizations on A.T. Still University’s Kirksville, Missouri, campus have been busy this holiday season.

Individuals from Alpha Phi Omega (APO) service fraternity helped the Pantry for Adair County in assembling 100 boxes for pantry clients. The pantry provides supplemental food to residents in need in Adair County, Missouri, distributing fresh produce, meats, and other grocery products. The organization is supported by the Food Bank of Central and Northeast Missouri and local donations.

Additionally, APO and members of the Pediatrics Club collaborated with the Kirksville Adopt-a-Child Foundation and Kirksville Fire Department to provide gifts to 77 children this holiday season. 

“Pediatrics Club and APO would like to sincerely thank all of the students, staff, and organizations who made this possible,” said James LÍu, ATSU-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine OMS II and APO co-president. “Because of you, we were able to put a smile on 77 children’s faces this holiday season.”


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