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AT Still Library News
ATSU receives patent approval for 3D model

A.T. Still University (ATSU) has been awarded a patent for a 3D cervical, pelvic, and lumbar model designed to transform epidural placement training. Developed by Debra Loguda-Summers, public service and 3D print service manager, A.T. Still Memorial Library; Jamie Carroll, senior graphic designer, academic technologies; Marcus Matson, DO, ’20; and Zachary Headman, DO, ’20, the […]

Faculty & Staff Headlines
ATSU-ASHS staff assembly packs meals for children in need

Members of A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Health Sciences (ATSU-ASHS) Staff Assembly had the opportunity to give back by volunteering at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a Mesa-based nonprofit where teams work together to pack nutritious meals for children in need in developing countries.  Organized by ATSU-ASHS charities and contributions subcommittee members Nick Cross, […]

Alumni Headlines
ATSU-CGHS adjunct professor and alumnus appointed to Scopus advisory board

Patrick Palmieri, DHSc, ’12, A.T. Still University-College of Graduate Health Studies (ATSU-CGHS) Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc) online program adjunct professor and alumnus, has been appointed to the Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB) as the nursing and health professions subject chair. The CSAB is an international group of scientists, researchers, and librarians who […]

Scholarly Activity
Center for the Future of the Health Professions April 2024 digest

This month, The Center for the Future of the Health Professions will publish another monthly op-ed column for 2024. Our columns offer strong, well-informed, and focused opinions on issues impacting the future of health professions. The center was established to provide policymakers at the state, local, and national levels, as well as stakeholders in the […]

University Headlines
ATSU-ASHS recognizes outstanding alumni

A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Health Sciences (ATSU-ASHS) alumni, faculty, and staff gathered April 5 to recognize outstanding alumni of the year.  The evening marked the inaugural ATSU-ASHS on-campus alumni reunion celebration, providing dinner and dessert catered by a local Italian restaurant, fellowship, and networking with more than 60 people in attendance.  Patrick McKeon, […]

Student Headlines
ATSU-ASDOH student presents research study at international meeting

A.T. Still University-Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH) student Gracie Groth, D2, recently had the opportunity to present her research study at the 102nd General Session of the International Association for Dental Research Meeting, which was held in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial […]

Student Headlines
ATSU’s Doctor of Education in Health Professions online program provides knowledge, skills, tools

A.T. Still University-College of Graduate Health Studies (ATSU-CGHS) Doctor of Education in Health Professions (EdD) student Susan Thomas, MS, sought a program to improve her professional skills. She found it in ATSU-CGHS. “I truly believe receiving my doctor of education in health professions will help me continue to be a strong instructional designer, as well […]

Student Headlines
ATSU-ASHS Physician Assistant program provides positive community environment

Jennifer Ha, a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies student at A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) Arizona School of Health Sciences, graduated from UC Davis in 2022 with a major in human development and a minor in public health. Her educational journey led her to ATSU, which she describes as inclusive and diverse. ATSU’s positive […]

Student Headlines
ATSU’s Doctor of Health Administration faculty, staff, provide support when students need it most

There are a lot of reasons not to do something. When it comes to advancing education and careers through online degree programs, prospective students need to closely examine things like cost and time in order to make the right choice for themselves.  Despite the best planning, though, the unexpected can happen, and then what? A.T. […]

Student Headlines
ATSU-MOSDOH’s rural, urban locations offer opportunities to gain experience, student says

For A.T. Still University-Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-MOSDOH) student Hana Jeong, D2, the chance to experience something new and witness the challenges of access to oral healthcare services in a rural setting made ATSU-MOSDOH an intriguing option for her dental education.  “I selected ATSU-MOSDOH due to its distinctive approach to dental education, […]