A.T. Still University recognized for commitment to social mission
Posted: April 1, 2024
Reaffirming A.T. Still University’s commitment to health equity and underserved populations, ATSU was recently recognized as an inaugural supporter of the Social Mission Alliance’s (SMA) Social Mission Metrics Initiative.
This recognition honors educational programs that are committed to establishing social mission baselines and improvement, and ATSU is among the first institutions to have earned this badge.
“Social mission” refers to the contributions a school makes to health equity and addressing the health disparities of the society in which it exists. Schools were invited to be inaugural supporters based on their prior engagement with the Social Mission Metrics Self-Assessment, a national survey distributed to 242 schools of medicine, dentistry, and nursing, and previous participation with SMA.
SMA, formerly known as the Beyond Flexner Alliance, is a national movement of educators, practitioners, administrators, students, community leaders, and policymakers dedicated to transforming health professions education by addressing health disparities and advocating for health equity.
This badge serves as special recognition for ATSU’s commitment to measuring and improving its social mission.