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3D printing services throughout 2022

The library’s 3D printing services were kept pretty busy this year with requests from students and faculty. In addition, 3D printing services worked with several departments throughout the University to supply specialty items and fulfill student requests for anatomy and dental models.

The library’s 3D printing service also presented a poster and slide presentation on 3D printing in curriculum and research at the Missouri Library Association and the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association conferences last year. In 2023, we plan to host an immersion session at Detroit’s Medical Library Association/Special Libraries Association conference.

The 3D printing program in the library produces prints for the entire University and clinics and is accessible to students. To request models, please check out our LibGuide here, or contact our printing services manager, Debra Loguda-Summers, at

3D printing by the numbers:

*Total cost is the cost if students/faculty had to pay for the services.


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